Starke, Geerdts, Dausel letters and Kuhns (Kuntz) Family History and Pedigree Charts from Milwaukee, Sheboygan, and Germany
Including Biographies, Oral Histories, Bertha Starke, Geerdts and Dausel Letters (Briefen sind auch auf Deutsch!) and Photos.
Here are some pictures and histories:Four generations of German-American immigrants are seen in this picture and history of the Geerdts, Starke and Weidt families, and more photos of Heinrich Geerdts and his wife Maria.

Photo and history of Emma Neuber KUHNS / KUNTZ. Her son George Kuhns' pedigree

My Kuhns (Kuntz), Geerdts, Starke and Dausel Pedigree Charts and a surname list.

Links to pictures of Nieder Schönfeld, Kreis Bunzlau, Silesia (Schlesien), home of the Starke, Dausel and Dehmel families,and a description of the village of Nieder Schönfeld

is here on my other web site
A description of Schönfeld, Kreis Bunzlau, Silesia (Schlesien), (including modern village names and maps), is here.
*Please check out my missing links page, showing all the people and names I'm stuck on

Karlsen (Carlson), Mortensen, Larsen Genealogy, from Nordland, Norway; Wisconsin and Canada.

Including GEDCOM file descendents and ancestors of MORTEN OLAI LARSEN, born April, 1830, Sildhopen, Sorfold, Nordland, Norway
For a picture of the Karlsen and Eriksen families, immigrants from Norway to Wisconsin, click here
Pictures of the family farm in Stamsvik and Nordfold, Nordland Norway
My Norwegian and Washington missing links are here!

Nachtigal, Korth pedigrees from Finckenstein, Kreis Rosenberg, Prussia and Marinette, Wisconsin

For the Korth, Nachtigal, Josephski Gedcom file, click here
For the Korth, Nachtigal, Josephski Pedigree, click here
Here are some pictures and histories:
  • Karl August (Charles) Nachtigal's photos and history.
  • Korth family photos and history

  • Click here for a link to a map of the area (Finckenstein, Kreis Rosenberg), and German/Polish village names).

    My kids' mom's family history page includes links to histories about the Fluckiger, Burton, Bradshaw, Corbett, McNeil, Corlett, Dixon, Jacobsen, Von Almen, Kaser, Fielding, Pritchett, Quinn, Woolstenhulme, Lake families, including these stories:

    A Danish Immigrant's Sacrifice -- Camilla Jacobsen, handcart pioneer
    Including the story of how she lost her cedar chest on the Mormon Trail
    A letter from prison: James Woolstenhulme -- Pioneer, Polygamist, Prisoner
    A copy of a letter he wrote his family from the Utah State Penitentary, his descendants, and the family tree of his granddaughter, Freda Belle CORBETT
    Soccer Stuff
    My kids' soccer teams home pages
    Home page of "da Blues", a nationally-known (thanks to that ad in Automotive Weekly!!) GU-15 Soccer team. Also, home page of "the Tarantulas" BU-11 Soccer team
    Who Is This Guy and Why Should I Care? (my resume) includes samples of my work

    Working at Boeing: The Boeing Institute for Aviation Leadership group (why did we eat so much?!?)

    Aina hey? Yah, hey! 'Skansin Dictionary and Stories. Six generation M'waukeean, donchaknow. Read dis here once a couple times, hey?
    (da dictionary was edited by me, and da stories are all mine. But you can contribute. Hits for youse to peruse!)

    We're Talkin' Baseball I guess I've been to a few baseball games in my life. I wrote down a couple of experiences, and some people read them and said "are you a writer? If not, you should be!" So I thought I'd share them with you!
    My Immortal Cal Story: Ripken's 2131st consecutive game, the one that broke Lou Gehrig's record.
    Class & Classless in Seattle: Thoughts on the All-Star Game and Home Run Derby and, especially, the class of Bret Boone

    Constrictive Pericarditis Heart Surgery -- look IF YOU DARE!

    Includes pictures of my January 2001 surgery

    click here to write me at dgkuhns)
    ORhere for family history e-mails at
    [NOTE: Periodically, additional content will be posted.]
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    Copyright ©1997-2008. Last updated May 24, 2008

    Created: 5/7/97 Updated: 05/24/2008

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