Welcome to my humble commode!

Okay, if you've ventured onto this page, you must have some sick desire to learn more about me. That scares me. Oh well...come, dive in, and maybe enjoy the journey.....

Let me ramble through the brief bio for ya.... My name's Rhonda, I'm 29, and I'm a graduate of Pepperdine University. Yup. Pepperdine. Picture golden California rays, miles of beach, blue skies, the works. Then picture me going to school there. *snicker* Jealous yet? It was a rough life, but someone had to live it!

While at Pepperdine, I earned a B.A. in Liberal Arts. Basically, it's a degree that allows me to ask you, "Do you want fries with that?" In order to keep my hairnet quota to a minimum, I also obtained a teaching credential during my 3 1/2 years at school. This allowed me to pursue my ultimate dream...

World Domination, one young mind at a time!!

Yes, I wish it could be a more noble dream, like an end to hunger, world peace, the eradication of Tammy Faye, but, no. I merely want the world...and, if I play my cards right, it may just be YOUR child that hands it to me!!! Muahaha. Um, yeah. *cough* Moving on...

Here are some random bits about my life that may interest you. Choices, choices, choices...

  1. My family. The people responsible for it all. They're actually pretty cool.
  2. My friends. Yeah, yeah, shut the hell up. I DO have friends. I even have PICTURES to prove it!
  3. The library. I'm a passionate reader, devouring all the books I can. Check it out.
  4. bit of music perhaps? Yadda yadda, songs. Yadda yadda. Still under construction, but feel free to take a look.
  5. You can check out one of the cars that I own, if you're into that sort of thing. It kicks ass. If you're gonna drive, you might as well drive in style! (I'll try to get a picture of my newer car up soon...I'm still figuring out the digital camera thing!)
  6. Midget tossing. You wouldn't BELIEVE how far those little suckers can fly!!

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for coming to our show. If you fancy another amusement, try....

Pictures of this travelling freak show

or, if you'd rather, you may

Run screaming for the light of day.