Welcome to the Monkeyhouse!

aka: Rhonda's organized chaos!

Greetings, weary traveller. For any number of reasons, you've found your way here. The more I wander the web, the more pages I examine, I'm slapped with the fact that my page is nowhere NEAR the front of the pack when it comes to flashiness. I suppose I'll have to make up for it in content. Moving on....

I've got a dirty little secret to share....c'mon, lean in....


Ahem. What this means, in layman's terms, is that I don't spend every second of every day sweating over what people think of this page. I also don't spend hours slaving away so that a socially-repressed twelve year old will bookmark my page as "one of his fav links". I teach myself the code as I go along, and I'm rather proud of my progress up to this point.

Also, I'd like to impress upon you an opinion I live by daily. If you feel the need to snark about something, whether it's me or something I've created...


There, with that business out of the way, let's get on with what you really came here for...

On the off chance that you actually want to learn about lil' ol me, click here.

If, by some bizarre whim, you are curious about my amazing contingent of friends, click here.

For those of you that wish to put your mother's panties on your head, don rubber fishing pants, and dance around the room singing "I Wanna Be a Cowboy"... GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY WEB PAGE!


Wow, people had nothing better to do than visit my page! (BTW, this number is NEVER accurate - crashes and such have rendered it COMPLETELY bogus.)

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