Show Me
Where It Says That...

Show me in the Bible, where it:

Says It has to be in the Bible.
Says all that we will ever know is in the Bible.
Says everything Jesus Christ had to say is in the Bible.
Says not to hold on to tradition.
Says these are the books to be included in the Old Testament.
Says these are the books to be included in the New Testament.
Says we can interpret Holy Scripture on an individual basis.
Says the meaning of doctrine cannot unfold over time.
Says Mary and Joseph had relations after Jesus Christ was born.
Says Mary had other children.

Says Mary is not the Mother of GOD.
Says the Church which Jesus Christ founded is not the Catholic Church.
Says Jesus Christ said this is not his body.
Says the book of John chapter 6 is symbolic.
Says Peter was not given primacy among the Apostles.
Says Peter is not the 'Rock'.
Says Peter was not given the power of binding and loosening.
Says Jesus Christ taught from another boat other than Peter's.
Says all of the Apostles were given the Keys to Heaven.
Says Peter was never in Rome.

Says Peter was not the first Bishop of Rome.
Says there is no such thing as Apostolic succession.
Says Bishops, Priests, and Deacons are not in the Church which Christ     founded.
Says the seven sacraments are not in the Bible.
Says Purgatory does not exist.
Says Hell does not exist.
Says the Catholic Church apostatized at the time of Constantine.
Defines the word and meaning of 'Trinity'.
Defines the word and meaning of 'Incarnation'.
Defines the word and meaning of 'Pope'.

Written by Bob Stanley, October 22, 1998

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