Multifarious Errors of
For the sake of brevity, anyone who calls himself or herself
"Christian", and who is not Catholic or Orthodox, I have grouped all of the
existing tens of thousands* of individual non-Catholic sects under the
single title of "Protestant" in this writing. I realize that many would prefer
not to call themselves Protestant, but any Christian who is not active in the
Catholic Church is making a protest against the only
Church which Jesus Christ founded whether they care to admit it or not.
word protest comprises the first seven letters of
I am acutely aware that not all
Protestant sects fit the mold of all of what I have listed here, but with tens
of thousands of different sects, it is impossible for me, or anyone else, to
tailor each topic to each individual sect, while simultaneously keeping the
document to a reasonable length.
*World Christianity Encyclopedia, April
2001, a Protestant publication,
lists 33,820 non-Catholic sects with several
more being added each and every week.
Flash! The figure for the middle of 2003 has now risen to 36,400, an
increase of 2580 in just a little over two years.
The Protestant Personal Opinion
Why are there now well over 36,000 different
Protestant sects in the world today?
The answer to that question can be found
in Holy Scripture:
"You shall not do as we are now doing; here,
everyone does what seems right to himself..."
Deuteronomy 12:8, a verse
ignored by Protestants since they do these things.
"In those days there
was no king in Israel; everyone did what he thought best."
Judges 17:6,
21:25, verses accepted by Protestants.
"Understanding this first: That no
prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation. For prophecy came not
by the will of man at any time: but holy men of God spoke, inspired by the Holy
2Peter 1:20-21, ignored by Protestants.
"They came and said
to him, “Teacher, we know that you are a truthful man and that you are not
concerned with anyone's opinion. You do not regard a person’s status but
teach the way of God in accordance with the truth..."
Matthew 22:16, Mark
12:14, ignored by Protestants.
"(13) And Jesus came into the quarters of
Cesarea Philippi: and he asked his disciples, saying: Whom
do men say that the Son of man is? (14) But they said: Some John the
Baptist, and other some Elias, and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets. (15)
Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I am?
(16) Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God.
(17) And Jesus answering said to him: Blessed art thou,
Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my
Father who is in heaven. (18) And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will
build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
(19) And I will give to thee the
keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it
shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it
shall be loosed also in heaven."
Matthew 16:13-19
The above
verses are a prime example of personal opinions contrasted with doctrinal
In verse 14 through 17, all but one of the disciples had nothing to
offer but personal opinions expressed by mere human creatures (as it is read in
vs 14, 'some', 'other some', 'others', and in vs 17, 'flesh and blood'), and
ALL OF THEM WERE WRONG, save for one, Simon Peter.
Simon Peter was the
only one to receive this revelation from GOD, and in so doing he was the only
one to express the truth, by GOD given authority. Since GOD never changes, who
would have the audacity to be so bold as to deny that GOD does the same today as
He did then, by giving His one representative of authority on earth the fullness
of doctrinal truth?
"For GOD is true, and every man is a liar..." Romans
Now that we know what Holy Scripture has said, what do Protestants,
who claim to follow Holy Scripture, do about these verses? All of Protestantism
is based solely on personal opinions of men and women, and not on doctrinal
truth. "If it feels good for me, then that is all that matters", so they say. So
where does an attitude like this lead them, but to differences of opinion,
squabbling, and finally endless splitting of the Body of Christ. Go back and
re-read those verses above.
GOD is not concerned with anyone's personal
opinion, but only for those who speak His doctrinal truth.
attack the Catholic Church by saying there is no need of a Pope. Well, they should
look in their own back yard first, because each Protestant acts as his or her
own pope. There are millions of "popes" in Protestantism, and all of them are
running around claiming that their personal opinion regarding the interpretation
of Scripture is the truth. Are there really millions of truths? I thought Holy
Scripture said there was only one truth.
Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism,
lamented as he said these things after he had seen the damage that individual
interpretation of Holy Scripture had done to his movement,
"This one will not
hear of Baptism, and that one denies the sacrament, another puts a world between
this and the last day: some teach that Christ is not God, some say this, some
say that: there are as many sects and creeds as there are heads. No yokel is so
rude but when he has dreams and fancies, he thinks himself inspired by the Holy
Ghost and must be a prophet."
De Wette III, 61. quoted in O'Hare, THE FACTS
"Noblemen, townsmen, peasants, all classes understand the
Evangelium better than I or St. Paul; they are now wise and think themselves
more learned than all the ministers."
Walch XIV, 1360. quoted in O'Hare,
Ibid, 209.
So what are they to do?
Scripture has very loudly and
explicitly told them what to do and what not to do:
Stop "doing your own
Stop the "If it feels good for me it must
be true" mentality.
Stop the incessant and
destructive individual interpretation of Holy Scripture which is forbidden by
Holy Scripture itself.
Be obedient to what Scripture has admonished you to
So how do they get back to doctrinal truth as GOD demands from all of
Truth is one and it is a person. There is only one truth.
To have only
one truth you have to have only one authority, the same one authority which was given to Simon Peter
Is the Holy Spirit really prompting millions of Protestants, all of
whom are interpreting Scripture for themselves on an individual basis, and with
so many opposing viewpoints?
This question leads us to the next topic, that
of "The Holy Spirit Told Me".
The "Holy Spirit Told Me"
There are three "Spirits" from whom we may
receive prompting. They are:
1. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth. 1John
2. The human spirit within each one of us. 1Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews
3. The evil or Demonic spirit which comes from Satan, the spirit of error. 1John
All of Holy Scripture was written by people who were inspired by the
Holy Spirit. This being so, the Bible is inerrant. It has to be, as it came to
us under the inspiration of GOD.
Psalms 127:1 is Holy Spirit inspired and it
says that there is only one Church, the one founded by GOD Himself, and that in
all others, the members labor in vain. Isn't it interesting that teachings of
the Old Testament are stressed anew in the New Testament? Ephesians 4:1-6
repeats what is said in Psalms with a list of many "ONES" including only
ONE faith in verse 5. These verses have clearly said that the Holy
Spirit guides only the one Church which GOD founded, and none
See John 16:13, "When the Spirit of truth
comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own
authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the
things that are to come."
There are hundreds of
millions of Protestants, all interpreting Scripture individually by mere
personal opinion, and with all of them claiming "The Holy Spirit Told Me".
How can this possibly be, when every doctrine taught by one
sect is denied by another, except for the existence of GOD? One claims the
"spirit" told them to worship on Saturday, another makes the same claim except
they were told Sunday. One says the "spirit" told them not to baptize infants.
Yet another makes the same claim from the "spirit", but insists they were told
just the opposite, they must baptize infants.
One claims they were "told" to
have communion once a week, yet another was "told" once a month, and yet a third
was "told" quarterly. You can readily see that I could go on and on down through
the whole list of beliefs and find one which teaches one way and another to the
Since GOD is one, with only one truth and with only
one Holy Spirit, how could that one Spirit of truth be prompting
those who have contradicting viewpoints? Again, we look to Holy Scripture for
the answer.
"And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy
Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him." Acts 5:32. See Acts 15:8
Aha, so the Holy Spirit is given only to those who obey
GOD. And who are they? In what I have shown so far, how
can any of those sects with opposing viewpoints, be in obeyance of the one truth of GOD?
Was Martin Luther in obedience to
his superiors (Hebrews 13:17) when he started the Protestant revolt all the
while blaspheming
his superiors at the same time?
Just who do you suppose
is creating all of this confusion between the Protestant sects?
The answer is
that the Holy Spirit cannot, and will not, for GOD cannot deceive us, Isaiah
53:9, Hebrews 6:18, 1Peter 2:22, and He certainly cannot contradict Himself,
2Timothy 2:13.
Since truth is one, GOD cannot lie, Titus 1:2. There cannot be
opposing viewpoints with each claiming to be of the truth. Common sense tells us that in at least half of the opposing viewpoints the
truth has to be compromised.
So now, just who is the liar and the Father of
Lies? See John 8:44 for the answer.
1Corinthians 14:33, "For God is not the
author of confusion..."
If GOD is not the author of confusion, then who
I would suggest that you re-read Psalms 127:1 and Ephesians 4:1-6 again,
for of the three choices of "spirits who told me", we have eliminated the first
one. There are only two choices left.
Which one of those remaining two is
prompting Protestantism?
This leads us into the next topic, that of authority.
The Protestant Rejection
of Authority Error:
"He who hears
you, hears me; and he who rejects you, rejects me; and he who rejects me,
rejects him who sent me." Luke 10:16
That is
Powerful words from the mouth of Jesus Christ to his disciples,
the leaders of His Church.
Those who hear His Church, hear him, is what Jesus
Christ said in that verse.
Conversely, those who do not hear his Church, do
not hear him. If you are interested to know what will be the fate of those who
reject His Church, then read the context in Luke 10:1-15.
Scripture has a lot to say about authority, as to just who has it and who does not,
and how important a central authority is to the understanding of
However, Protestants have consistently rejected all authority. They
simply rejected what they never could have had from the onset of their revolt.
However, rejection of authority is anti-Christian and anti-Bible. Since they
have rejected his Church, haven't they rejected Jesus Christ and the Father as
well? Luke 10:16 has clearly told us that they have.
"Let every person be
subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God,
and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore he who resists the
authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur
Romans 13:1-2
"Obey your prelates and be subject to them.
For they watch as being to render an account of your souls: that they may do
this with joy and not with grief. For this is not expedient for you."
Was Martin Luther and the other leaders of the Protestant revolt
obedient as this verse demands?
"If your brother sins
against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens
to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two
others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two
or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and
if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a
tax collector."
Matthew 18:15-17
So what does this verse tell us as
to where the final authority is to be found? What is the name of that Church,
since it is still with us? To what Church would you go in order to obey the
command of Jesus Christ in those verses if you lived in 110, or 450, or 1025, or
1490? Can you name it?
There are many verses which warn against forsaking
GOD given authority regarding His Assembly (O.T.) or Church (N.T.) which He
bestowed upon prophets such as Moses
Exodus 3-40, and on the Apostles John
20:21-23, and to their successors, Hebrews 13:7-8, 13:17.
Read of Mariam and
Aaron as they complained against the authority of Moses in
Numbers 12:1-15,
(3) "Is it through Moses alone that the Lord speaks? Does he not speak through
us also?"
GOD became angry with this remark, since He had previously chosen
to speak through his one and only father figure, His "vicar" on
earth, Moses. Consequently he turned Mariam into a leper.
Read of the
rebellion of Korah against the GOD given authority of Moses in Numbers 16, and
pay especial attention to what happened to Korah, and to his followers in
Numbers 16:31-35.
His ending, and that of his followers is not pretty to say
the least.
Which person in which of the now 36,400 Protestant sects has
any authority at all?
Who has the over all authority to separate truth in
teaching from the pitfall of error?
The rejection of authority is merely
a Protestant defense mechanism. Since they obviously knew that they had no
authority to begin with, they simply elected to reject all authority. However,
their rejection of authority is highly anti-Christian and anti-Biblical, as I
have shown.
For those who claim to follow the Bible only, how is it that they
cannot see this?
This then leads us into the next topic.
The Bible Only
Protestants who claim to follow Holy Scripture
literally, practice a false man-made doctrine which they have labeled Sola Scriptura or "Bible Only", a
term virtually unknown before the Protestant revolt of the early sixteenth
century. In other words, they say that the Bible is all they need or want
because they claim it contains everything necessary for salvation. Anything
outside of the Bible is immaterial and should simply be ignored or discarded. By
taking such a narrow view of salvation history, they have boxed themselves in to
a limited knowledge of Christianity. This grave limitation exposes them to
increased and compounded error, because for them to believe in anything,
therefore, they must be able to find it in the Bible. However, the very doctrine
of Sola Scriptura itself, is not to be found anywhere in Holy Scripture, as I
have documented in the above two links. That being the case, how could anyone
practice it and not be accused of hypocrisy?
"The Lord says, "These
people worship me with their mouths and honor me with their lips. But their
hearts are far from me, and their worship of me is based on rules made by
Isaiah 29:13
"Jesus told them, "Isaiah
was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites in Scripture: 'These people
honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me
is pointless, because their teachings are rules made by humans.'
Mark 7:6-7
The fact that the man-made "rule" of Sola Scriptura cannot
be found in Scripture proves it to be a "rule made by humans", and this makes it
diametrically opposed to Holy Scripture and the words of Jesus
Since Scripture is not self authenticating, and is
not self teaching*, and does not specify which books within it are
inspired, how can the Protestant know that the book to which he holds is
inspired at all?
*Acts 8:30-31, 2Peter 3:16
Sola Scriptura has failed
this most basic test. It is not Biblical. It is certainly not historical before
the Protestant revolt. It could not possibly have worked before the invention of
the printing press when Bibles became plentiful. It could not possibly have
worked when 95% of the masses were illiterate. From the evidence I have
presented in this essay, it simply could not, and does not, and never will work.
Protestantism fabricated this false man-made doctrine of Sola Scriptura simply because they have nothing
else to work with.
The Protestant Never Ending
Splitting of the Body of Christ Error:
The errors of
"rule by personal opinion", the "Holy Spirit told me", "Sola Scriptura", and
"rejection of authority", all lead to chaos, confusion, and to divisions of the
one Body of
Where there is rule by personal opinion among millions of people, you
will have millions of differing personal opinions which leads to utter
Where everyone thinks he or she is right because the "Holy Spirit told
me", there is bound to be all three spirits involved. Who is right and who is
wrong when all think they are right?
When everyone is practicing Sola
Scriptura, they limit themselves to Scripture only, and again personal opinions
enter into the picture, so whose opinion do we accept?
Where there is no GOD
given authority, and a dispute between factions cannot be settled amicably, the
factions of personal opinion split, creating yet more factions. This is
precisely why Jesus Christ founded His one teaching Church and gave it the
authority (Matthew 18:17-18) to settle disputes of which Scripture tells us were
inevitable to arise (1Corinthians 11:19).
Where there is GOD given
authority, a dispute is settled by that authoritative body.
Where there is no
GOD given authority, a dispute is not settled. The opposing parties simply split
and form new sects, and thus is revealed the main reason why there are today,
35,500 splits (as of the middle of 2002, with even more today) of the Body of
Christ in Protestantism.
When Martin Luther came along and broke from the
Church which Jesus Christ founded, which had already existed for almost fifteen
hundred years, and which was on its 218th in a line of Popes going all the way back to St.
Peter, he created the first Protestant church. It was 1521. He was not alone
in doing this but almost immediately he and Thomas Munzer had a "difference of
opinion" and Munzer broke from Luther and formed the second Protestant church,
also in 1521. The splits in Protestantism had begun and continue at a feverish
pace to this very day. In 1600 there were 100 splits. In 1900 there were over
1000. Today there are over 36,400 splits in the Body of Christ in Protestantism
with new ones being added every week, and the end is not in sight.
Christ been divided up?" 1Corinthians 1:13, yet another verse ignored by
This is the legacy one receives as a "reward" for 'rule by
opinion' which is forbidden by scripture, insisting that 'the Holy Spirit told me' when He
did not, 'Sola Scriptura' which is not scriptural, and 'rejection of an authoritative
governing body', which is against
the commands of Scripture
(Matthew 18:17, Hebrews 13:17).
"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather
with me scatters."
Matthew 12:30, Luke
With, well over 36,000 different Protestant sects today, just who is
doing the scattering?
It is obvious from the verses listed that 'he who
scatters' is against the gatherer, Jesus
The Error of Bringing GOD
Down to Our Mere Human Level:
1) The Blessed Virgin Mary
could have not been immaculately conceived.
2) She could not have
been ever virgin.
She could not have been assumed into Heaven.
4) There was no miracle of
the loaves and fishes, as each of the 5000 had a sandwich in his pocket.
rejection of a genuine Biblical miracle leads to another related
5) "This is My Body" could not possibly be His real body, for it
would be used up in no time in millions of communions, so it has to be a symbolic
These and many more denials of Catholic teaching come from
Protestant scoffers and doubters as they attempt to transpose Divine miraculous
happenings into mere human undertaking.
What these scoffers and doubters are
really saying, is that, 'He who has created the universe and everything in it
out of nothing, and sustains it all by virtue of His will, found it to be
impossible do these things'.
In their denial of the examples which I have
listed, Protestants have done nothing other than to impose limits upon an
unlimited GOD.
The scoffers and doubters with their narrow and limited
insights, ignore these words of GOD,
"For my thoughts are
not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as the
heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my
thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
The Protestant Out of Context
Protestants have a bad habit of taking Holy
Scripture out of context when they try to make a point.
CONTEXT: The part
of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage AND
Protestants invariably will choose a verse or two
from Scripture in a vain attempt to "prove" a point. They are oblivious to the
surrounding text which gives a different, or usually opposite meaning to their
chosen verse or phrase. They will also omit key information and in so doing
slant the truth.
Some examples are...
Sola Scriptura: They will use
2Timothy 3:16-17 to try to justify it, but taken in context, those two verses
portray an entirely different meaning.
There is no justification for Sola Scriptura whatsoever in
those two verses.
One Mediator: They use 1Timothy 2:5 to "prove" this,
but taken in context, 1Timothy 2:1, indicates many intercessors. The Blessed
Virgin Mary is an intercessor."
Call no man your Father, taken out of context.
The "brothers and sisters" of the
Lord, taken out of context.
A text without a context is simply a pretext
and nothing more.
The Mis-interpretation of Holy
Scripture Error:
There are several things which must be
taken into consideration when interpreting Holy Scripture, and many of them are
ignored by Protestants.
1. The Senses of Scripture. Should the passage be taken
literally, allegorically, as a parable, etc?
Most Protestants will take the
whole Bible literally, except for John chapter 6, of which they say it is
2. The meaning of the words used at the time of writing are
not necessarily the same meaning of the words today.
3. History plays a big
role in proper Scriptural interpretation. The nature and customs of those of
which Scripture speaks must be taken into account.
4. The true meanings of
what the authors had in mind are sometimes lost in translation from one language
to another. Words in one language sometimes have no exact counterpart in another
language and a word is chosen by compromise as "closest" in meaning, that is
according to the one who is doing the translating. Frequently, the ancient Greek
and Hebrew texts must be consulted in order to ascertain the true meanings of
the words of Scripture.
5. Many Protestant sects will attempt to conform Holy
Scripture to their false teaching, rather than to conform their teaching to the
truth of Scripture.
Some of the false charges made by Protestants against
the Catholic Church, due to their mis-interpretation of Holy Scripture. Cases in
*Mary had "other
*Holding to the Sabbath.
*Peter had no Primacy.
*The Papacy is not scriptural.
*The Catholic Church
could not be the Church which Jesus Christ founded, as it does not match what Scripture says regarding the
primitive Church.
*The Holy
Eucharist is merely a symbol and could not be the Body of Christ. Didn't Jesus Christ
say in many verses that it is His Body? Did He say anywhere that it was
only a symbolic gesture?
*The seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3 are said
to be various Protestant churches. That is one of the most ridiculous claims of
all, with Protestants grasping at straws, and using wishful thinking. To make it
simple, by using today's English, those seven Churches were parishes in
different cities of the same one Church which Jesus Christ founded. In easy to
understand terms, they were all founded by the same Apostles who were all
infused with the same truth by the same Holy Spirit at the same
time at Pentecost. They all taught only one truth, so all of those
Churches were in the same one
fold, and were not in seven different opposing Protestant folds.
seven Churches are merely an extension of Acts 1:8 where Jesus said this to the
"But you shall receive power when the Holy
Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem
(local) and in all Judea and
Sama'ria (expanding to surrounding areas)
and to the end of the earth (expanding over the whole
How could this ever be accomplished except by establishing Churches
in all areas of the world?
The Protestant Acceptance and
Rejection of Holy Scripture Error:
This is known as
Smorgasbord or Cafeteria Christianity. I have already presented several verses
which are rejected or ignored by Protestants.
"I will accept this verse
because it feels good (again) for me, and I will reject that verse because it
does not fit in with what I believe", so they say. I have already presented many
verses of Scripture that are completely ignored by Protestants. By their
actions, rather than by their words, they contradict their claim to follow
Scripture to the letter.
Here is just a sampling of several more verses
which Protestants either reject or ignore in addition to those already
Matthew 16:18, Jesus said He would found "A" Church. He did
not say churches did He?
Matthew 18:15-18, It is the Church which is the
final authority.
Why do Protestants say it is the Bible which is their final
Where does the Bible say that it is the final
John 10:16, And there shall be ONE fold and ONE shepherd.
Where did Jesus say there shall be 36,000+
folds as there are in Protestantism today?
Luke 1:48
"For behold,
henceforth all generations will call me blessed; "
"Henceforth" means
from the moment she said it. "All generations" is all of humanity from the time
she said it until the end of time. The word "will" is a command and not a mere
In all of my stack of correspondence from Protestants regarding
the Mother of GOD, from
many years ago to the date of this writing, not a single Protestant has ever
called her blessed. I must point out a second time that this verse is not
a suggestion, but a command, and it is a command from GOD. The Archangel Gabriel
called her blessed in Luke 1:28. Angels speak for GOD. Elizabeth called
her blessed in Luke 1:42, and those words of hers came from being filled
with the Holy Spirit in the previous verse. GOD called her blessed more
than once, so what possible excuse can Protestants, who claim to faithfully
follow Holy Scripture to the letter, have to not call her blessed as
Dear Protestant; Do you call her blessed? No? Then why are
disobedient to Holy Scripture?
John 6:53, So Jesus said to
them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the
flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in
Did He
say to eat and drink a symbol of His flesh and blood? What does the "Truly, Truly, I say to you" mean to you? We have already
established that truth is a person. That person is Jesus Christ. When "Truth"
Himself said "truly", twice in that verse, is that indicative of being a
symbolic statement, or of a reality?
Do you "truly truly" believe what
"Truth" Himself said here?
Or perhaps, are you one of those in John 6:66 who refused to believe Him and walked away from Him,
abandoning His truth? Did you notice the 666 connection in that verse?
It is too bad that Protestants
do not see the typological connections between the Old and New Testaments. Did
the Hebrews and Jews "symbolically" sacrifice animals, or did they, in fact,
sacrifice real animals? Read the book of Leviticus and find out for
1Corinthians 10:16, "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it
not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not
a participation in the body of Christ?"
Where is the symbolism found in this
verse or anywhere in the context?
1Corinthians 11:29, "...he who eats and
drinks unworthily, without distinguishing the body eats and drinks
judgment to himself." How could a mere symbolism be a cause of
Malachi 1:11, all day in every place there is offered
sacrifice, and there is offered in my name a clean oblation. How many
Protestants sects offer sacrifice at all, let alone every day?
28:19-20 says that Jesus Christ will be with His Church every day in every
century until the end of time. This theme is repeated in Ephesians 3:21 and in
John 14:16. Why then do Protestants insist that the Church which Jesus Christ
founded apostatized at some unspecified time after the last Apostle died? By
saying this, aren't they calling Jesus Christ a liar?
"He who does not
believe the Son, makes Him a liar." 1John 5:10
There are over 50 verses
in the Bible in which hell is
mentioned. Matthew 23:33, Mark 9:43, and Luke 10:15, are but three examples. Yet
in some Protestant sects the existence of hell is denied. Imagine how much space
in the Holy Bible those 50 plus verses and the related verses cover, and you can
readily see that a large segment of Holy Scripture is denied by
1Corinthians 11:22 warns not to despise the church of GOD, "What!
Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the Church of GOD
and humiliate those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I commend
you in this? No, I will not."
Later in this essay, I will show you how some
Protestant sects do indeed despise the "Church of GOD" by calumnizing it and
spreading lies about it.
Here is another ignored verse along those same
"Do not be a stumbling-block to Jews and Greeks and to the Church of
1Corinthians 10:32
Throughout this document, I have listed many
more verses which are ignored by Protestants.
The Protestant "Once Saved Always
Saved" Error:
Are you saved? This is what some
Protestants will ask you. Anyone who thinks they are automatically "saved" simply by declaring that
Jesus Christ is their personal Lord and Savior is grossly mistranslating Holy
Scripture, and is committing a sin of presumption. It is GOD alone who knows who
is "saved" and who is not. No
human creature can declare themselves as being "saved". That false doctrine is a
fabrication of Protestantism and cannot be found written anywhere before the
Protestant revolt. Salvation is an on-going process throughout our entire lives
as Holy Scripture clearly has told us. Read 1Corinthians chapter 13, as it tells
us that we must have faith, hope, and charity (13). If we are automatically "saved", then what is
the purpose of hope?
Sola Fides, or "saved by faith only" is taught by many
Protestants. However, that false man-made Protestant doctrine cannot be found
anywhere in the Bible. In fact, the only place in the entire Bible where the
words "faith" and "only" are found together is in James 2:24, where it
"You see that by works a man is justified, and NOT by faith
That verse was a thorn in Martin Luther's side. He called the book of James
a "straw epistle", which meant it was worthy of burning, and he wanted to remove
it from Scripture. It must have been an embarrassment to him since he had added
the word "alone" to Romans 3:28, in his German translation of the Bible, in
order to have it support his false "justified by faith alone" doctrine. James
2:24 is still ignored or rejected altogether by many Protestants.
"You are my friends if you do what I command you."
John 15:14
"...work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
Philippians 2:12
For those who think they are "saved" by faith only, how could they ever ignore
those verses?
Both say very clearly that works are needed, and without works
you are no friend of Jesus.
They also ignore a large part of Matthew 25
regarding the Last Judgment. Read vs 31-46 very carefully, as Jesus spoke of
judging two groups, the sheep and the goats.
Notice that both groups
believed, but only one group worked, and they were the sheep, and it was
the sheep who were to be saved.
Be sure and do not overlook verses 41-46, as
you will find therein where the goats were going to spend their eternity since
they also believed, but did no work?
The goats believed, but were they
saved by believing only, and without works?
Those who practice "once saved
always saved" would have us believe that they were.
The Historical Black Hole
Sir Isaac Newton was once asked how he managed to
amass such great knowledge of his field in his lifetime. He replied, "Because I
stood on the shoulders of giants".
Gaining knowledge in any field, including
Theology is a continuous process (John 16:13), where one lays the foundation and
others build upon it therein (1Corinthians 3:10). Mistakes are made along the
way but conscientious followers profit from those mistakes and knowledge
increases. Protestantism
however, being severely handicapped by the ball and chain of Sola Scriptura, makes no use of those "giants" who
went before them for the first fifteen hundred years of Christianity.
Theological progress and past mistakes and errors are ignored as if they did not
even exist.
Protestants are saddled with an historical fifteen hundred year
Black Hole.
So what is the end result?
The errors of the past are
repeated and progress in truth is hindered and stifled.
To be successful in
any endeavor, historical successes and historical failures and errors are not to
be ignored, for that is how knowledge progresses.
Those who fail to profit
from the errors of others who went before them are doomed to repeat those same
errors again, and in so doing take steps backward instead of forward.
who fail to profit from historical successes are doomed to re-invent the wheel
again and again.
"All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter
it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. What
has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there
is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it is said, "See, this
is new"? It has been already, in the ages before us. There is no remembrance of
former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to happen
among those who come after."
Ecclesiastes 1:8-11
Protestants are
afraid to read authentic historical documents written before their revolt in the
16th century, because they fear what they may find written therein.
One of
the most famous converts to the Catholic Church from Protestantism, Cardinal
John Henry Newman, wrote in his introduction to his "Development of Doctrine"
"To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant". Newman set
out to "prove" from historical documents that Anglicanism was the "true" church,
the Church which Jesus Christ founded. What he found by extensive researching of
genuine historical documents was that it was not the Anglican church which Jesus
Christ founded, but the Catholic Church. From the overwhelming evidence which he
found, he immediately converted to the "true Church", the Catholic
What happened to the Christian Church after Acts 28:30? Aren't
you the least bit interested? Did historical progress of the Christian Church end
abruptly there and then? Absolutely not!
Show me a period in Church history
where the events of the time were not recorded by historians and
I challenge all Protestants to read what has been recorded
regarding the history of Christianity, and to start with genuine historical writings beginning in the first
and second centuries. These are
available for free on the Internet, and I have provided two URL's for them in
this link, so those who have no
funds do not have an excuse not to read them.
Aren't you the least bit
interested in your Christian heritage, the struggles and martyrdoms of your
Christian ancestors who led us to where we are today? If you call yourself a
Christian, you certainly should be. Put yourself in John 16:12-13 and note that
the verses use future tense, which means coming revealed truths by the Holy
Spirit. It is the development of Scriptural doctrine over many
centuries. These century by century incremental steps are recorded in many
authentic historical documents and are available for all to see. Read for
yourself the progress of knowledge of the original primitive Christian Church
down through the centuries.
I must add that if you refuse to read the history
of Christianity, then you must have a closed mind, a subject of which I will
deal later in this document.
The Protestant Failure to go to
the Source Error, Keeps Them in Error:
When discussing
the teachings of the Catholic Church, Protestants will invariably espouse what
they have heard from other Protestants, while at the same time failing to go to
the source of Catholic teaching, the Catholic Church itself, in order to find
the truth of what it really teaches.
If you were going to buy a Ford, would
you go to a Chevrolet dealer to ask his advice about the Ford? What would he
tell you? No, an intelligent person would go to the source, the Ford
Why then, do Protestants not go to the Catholic Church to find the
truth of Catholic teaching?
Ignorance of the Catholic Church is ignorance of
Christ, since the Catholic Church is His body.
The Protestant Shopping for a
Church Error:
In my daily newspaper, there appeared an
article about a woman who had spent a lot of time searching for a church which
fit "her" beliefs.
Uhh, excuse me!!! Her beliefs?
Doesn't she have it
backwards? We must search for the one Church which has objective truth, not one
conforming to our individual subjective truth. We must conform to the will of
GOD and not to our own personal beliefs and opinions.
That person fell right
into that "If it feels good for me, it must be okay" mentality.
choose churches for all of the wrong reasons and here are some of
1. This one has better child care while I attend the
Yes but Jesus requested that the little children
to come to Him, Matthew 19:13-15.
How can they when they
are kept away from the services?
2. I like the singing in this one better.
Yes but you cannot sing your way into heaven.
3. Mine has a better Sunday
school. Yes but only if they teach the truth.
4. I like the preacher in mine.
Yes but there are many likable preachers all over the place.
5. I enjoy the
fellowship. Yes but GODship comes before fellowship.
6. I feel more
comfortable with their beliefs because they fit better with my
Need I say more?
7. The distasteful things
like the existance of hell and
other subjects are not mentioned.
Sometimes the truth
hurts, but regardless of that, truth cannot be suppressed, Romans 1:18.
8. It
is not authoritarian, and rigidly structured.
Yes but the
absence of authority breeds
chaos, as we have already seen in Protestantism.
9. Believe it or not, I have
heard, "I like mine because it has a parking lot which is easier to
How is that for an excuse?
10. Then there is the
error of the heresy of indifferentism, a false belief that all religions are of
equal validity. Therefore, it does not matter to which one I shall go, so I will
pick the nearest one.
The only valid reason to search for a Church is to
find the true and only Church, the one which the Lord GOD,
Jesus Christ founded. We must not labor in vain in those churches which were not
founded by GOD, but were founded by mere men or women, as Psalms 127:1 so
clearly cautions.
The Protestant Error of Joining a
Church Based on Feelings Alone:
[Feelings: Opinions
based more on emotion than reason.]
GOD desires just the opposite, truth
based on reason rather than emotion.
From "reason" we can find truth. From
"emotion" we can fall into error.
How many times have you heard someone say
they "feel" nothing in that other church but have an "emotional high" in the one
they attend, so therefore it must be the correct one? Nowhere in Holy Scripture
does it say that the Church which Jesus Christ founded is based on feelings and
emotions. His Church is based on truth and faith, and not on hype that stirs the
Many sects deliberately design their services to do just that, to
arouse the feelings in order to gain an emotional high. After all, they think
that they must have to do something 'different' in order to separate themselves
from the 'pack' of tens of thousands of other sects, in order to attract a
larger audience. You see, a larger audience means more funds in the collection
The mind set of so many people today, regardless of truth is:
it feels good for me, then that must be the way to go."
This is the heresy of
modernist enlightenment.
"In those days there was no king in Israel;
every man did what was right in his own eyes."
Judges 21:25.
This is
not GOD's way, for GOD cares not for the opinions of men (Mark
The Error of Scorn for and
Degradation of the Mother of GOD:
Up until the time of
the Protestant deformation, the Blessed Virgin Mary was honored by Christians
beginning in the first century. Even the original reformers loved and honored
her. Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and others did, but look what has happened to
Protestantism since then? The Protestants of today do not even teach what their
founders taught in many ways regarding the Mother of Jesus Christ.
They now
calumnize and degrade her by claiming:
1. She could not be perpetually
virgin, for she had "other
Well, let us see how others are affected by that false charge?
She could not have been Immaculately Conceived. Why couldn't she?
She could not have been Assumed
into Heaven body and soul. To the contrary, Scripture does not agree with this Protestant
assertion, for she was seen in Heaven with both body and soul.
4. She could not be the Mother of GOD.
5. She is a
sinner like the rest of us because the Bible says "all have sinned".
Protestants consistently try to bring GOD down to our human level in a feeble
attempt to explain away these things by mere human terms, as I touched upon in a
previous topic.
They fail to see that GOD's laws which bind us, do NOT bind
Him as well.
I have one all encompassing answer for Protestants for every
one of the above false charges which they make against the Mother of GOD.
you saying that GOD, who created everything out of nothing, and who sustains all
things by the power of His will, could not do these things?
When we all
meet our maker at death, I would much rather have Him say to me, "Welcome, for
My mother has spoken of you often", instead of what He might say to those who
calumnized and degraded her, "Why did you do these things to My mother?"
would any good son or daughter say to those who would dare to degrade his or her
Jesus honors His mother. After all He did write the ten commandments,
including "Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother", did He not? Don't you
think He obeyed His own commandments and honored His own mother and set an
example for us to follow? Didn't He obey her motherly commands for at least 30
years (Luke 2:51)? Name another woman who was gifted with the ability to tell
the creator of the universe what to do, and have Him obey her?
Why then do
Protestants, who claim to follow Scripture to the letter, fail miserably when it
comes to honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary?
Can they do less than the Lord
Jesus Christ did for His mother?
Aren't they supposed to follow in His
footsteps in the same way as Catholics do (Matthew 16:24)?
What do they think
they will gain by degrading and calumnizing the mother of Jesus
The Error of the Calumnizing of
Catholics and of the Catholic Church:
In the Protestant
revolt of the 16th century, the perpetrators lost all authority given by GOD to His one and only Church
as explained earlier. Since they had no authority whatsoever, they could not
claim Apostolic Tradition either as shown in 2Thessalonians 2:15, so they
rejected it as well. So there they were, stripped of all authority and fifteen
hundred years of tradition, isolated with no way to trace their heritage all the
way back to Jesus Christ. What could they do to try and justify what they had
done? Since they had separated themselves from the true Church, they resorted to
calumnizing and demonizing it
along with faithful Catholics as well. If they could show that the Catholic
Church was of Satan, then possibly they would find justification for their
Well they failed miserably because they had to "invent" charges that
simply were not true.
They never have learned that you can proof a truth but
only the gullible and uninformed will buy the lie. Here are a few Protestant
anti-Catholic "inventions", all of which failed miserably...
1. The Pope
or papacy is the "Whore of Babylon"of Revelation 17-18.
This lie was first
espoused by Martin
Luther in his diatribe against the Catholic
This is a total fabrication as I have shown from Holy Scripture in
the Luther link above. Scripture tells us that the "Whore of Babylon" is a
"Great City" and that city is not Rome, but Jerusalem.
2. The Pope is the
"Beast of Revelation", and the "Harlot (whore)" is the Roman Catholic Church. I
know the inventors of these demonizing remarks neglected to pay attention to what Holy Scripture has
See Revelation 17:15-16,
"And he said to me, "The waters that you
saw, where the harlot is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and
tongues. And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the
harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh, and burn
her up with fire.""
Since the "harlot" is Jerusalem, as I have shown in
the Luther link, then the "beast", who hates Jerusalem and destroys her with
fire, can only mean the evil Roman Empire which did hate the Jews and Jerusalem,
and did destroy her with fire in 70 A.D..
Now if the beast were the Pope, why
would he hate the Harlot, his own institution?
Why would he destroy himself?
Does Satan destroy Satan?
In Luke 11:18, Jesus said,
"And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom
stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Be-el'zebul."
3. The Catholic Church was founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the fourth century.
This charge is absolutely untrue.
Constantine founded no Church, but merely allowed Christianity to exist without
Roman persecution, as his "Edict of Milan" very clearly
No Protestant can produce a single authentic historical document to
"prove" this false charge.
4. The Catholic Church is an outgrowth
of Paganism.
This is yet another false
charge, as every Church on earth has a founder with a name, and no Protestant
can produce the name of the founder of the Catholic Church, unless of course,
they wish to admit the truth that it was founded by Jesus Christ
What better way was there to be obedient to the command of Jesus
Christ to convert the world (Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8), than for the Church
to seat itself in Rome, the very center of Paganism? And just what did
happened a few hundred years later?
The evil Roman Empire collapsed, and
pagan Rome was converted to Christianity. This is an undeniable historical
5. Catholics are going to hell.
Well, to begin with, here are
several verses ignored by those who make that charge,
Matthew 7:1,
"Judge not, that you may not be judged."
Luke 6:37, "Judge not, and
you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and
you will be forgiven;"
Romans 14:13, "Let us
not therefore judge one another any more. But judge this rather, that you put
not a stumbling block or a scandal in your brother's way."
James 4:11,
"Do not speak evil against one another, brethren. He that speaks evil against a
brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.
But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.
How does anyone know who goes to hell? Do they, who make this false
charge, think they can read the mind of GOD? Only GOD knows who goes to hell and
He does not tell us.
Why then, do Protestants who claim to follow the Bible,
make this judgement upon Catholics?
Why is it that those who spread lies
and calumny about the Catholic Church never have any authentic historical
documents to "prove" their false charges? Why is it that Catholics can provide
authentic historical documents, which Protestants
refuse to read, and yet Protestants in turn, cannot provide any authentic
historical documents that Catholics ask of them? In the years I have asked for
proof from scores of those who make these false charges, I have never even once
received documented "proof" of what they charge.
The reason for their lack of
"evidence" is most certainly that the lie cannot be "proven".
I would suggest
that those who make these false charges, to please open their Bibles and
Revelation 21:27.
Those who persecute the Catholic Church,
persecute Jesus Christ Himself, since the Catholic Church is His Body (Ephesians
1:22-23), whether Protestants choose to believe it or not.
In Acts 7:54 to
8:1-3, Saul had been persecuting the Church which Jesus Christ founded (8:3) and
in Acts 9:4, Jesus Christ said,
"Saul, Saul, why
dost thou persecute me?"
Why didn't Jesus Christ
say instead, 'why dost thou persecute my Church'?
"But these men, as
irrational beasts, naturally tending to the snare and to destruction,
blaspheming those things which they know not, shall perish in their
2Peter 2:12.
This is yet another verse ignored by those
Protestants who calumnize Catholicism.
"Fear not, for I am with thee:
turn not aside, for I am your GOD. I have strengthened thee, and have helped
thee, and the right hand of My Just One hath upheld thee (almost 2000 years now). Behold all that
fight against thee (Protestantism) shall be confounded (split into
36,000+ pieces) and ashamed, they shall be as nothing
(Psalms 127:1...again!),
and the men shall perish that strive against thee (heretics, calumnizers and liars, past, present, and
Isaiah 41:10-11
The Protestant Error of
Sensationalism of Apparent Catholic Setbacks:
When I say
"apparent", I mean just that.
Practically every newsworthy item that appears
to show the Catholic Church in a bad light is blown all out of proportion by "I
told you so" Protestants. Cases in point:
1) The finding of an apparent
Biblical ossuary which has an inscription which says "James, Son of Joseph,
Brother of Jesus":
Protestants are rejoicing in the streets shouting, "We
told you so that Mary had other children"! If Protestants would only read the
Bible which they claim that they read, they would see that there is nothing new
here as far as "the brother of Jesus" is concerned.
"But I saw none of the
other apostles except James the Lord's brother." Galatians 1:19
verse has been in Holy Scripture for well over 1900 years, so why all the hype
over the ossuary if not for yet another Protestant attack with false charges
against the Catholic Church?
Did you notice that the "James" mentioned in
that verse is also an Apostle? There are two Apostles named James, and Holy
Scripture gives us the names of
the parents of both of them, and neither of the mothers is the Blessed
Virgin Mary. However, there is something at odds with Scripture in that
inscription, and that is the "James" mentioned on the ossuary had a father named
Joseph. Too bad that Holy
Scripture tells us that neither father of the two Apostles called "James"
was named Joseph, but were named Zebedee and Cleophas.
Did any Protestant
bother to check the facts before making yet more false charges against the
Catholic Church, and then go about rejoicing over the lie that I have shown that
it is?
Why didn't they first use their invented Sola Scriptura as I did, to find themselves to be
without foundation in accusing the Catholic Church yet again that "Mary had
other children"?
This is a prime example of how the false doctrine of Sola
Scriptura can be used as a tool to the advantage of Catholics as well, and to
the disadvantage of Protestants, in proving from Scripture alone, the fact that
the ossuary inscription has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, the two Apostles
named James, the Blessed Virgin Mary, or Saint Joseph.
Now why didn't Bible
believing Protestants find it first? Is it because they did not want to find the
truth but preferred to believe the lie?
2) Sexual scandals in the Catholic Priesthood:
To hear
Protestants talk, you would think that every Catholic priest is a pedophile. If
only they would take the time to check the facts, then they would find that the
number amounts to about 1.8% of Catholic Priests who have been accused of any
sexual misconduct at all, and out of that figure less than half have been
accused of pedophilia. It is to be noted that to be accused of something is not
indicative that the person is guilty. It would seem, however, that if it is a
priest who is being accused, that he is automatically deemed guilty until proven
innocent. It has been proven that many priests have been accused falsely by
unscrupulous people who are simply looking for large cash awards, and their
false charges have been dismissed. Not only that, but those figures go back 30
years or more and many of the accused priests have since passed away.
"And He
said to His disciples, "It is impossible that scandals
should not come; but woe to him through whom they come." Luke
Didn't Jesus say, "Let him who is without sin
cast the first stone..."? John 8:7
Now if Protestants would just look
in their own back yards, they would find that the percentages of their own
clergy accused to be even higher for the same crimes than for Catholic priests .
You do not hear much about those cases however, because the liberal media has
always set a higher priority for bashing the Catholic Church whenever the
opportunity arises.
However, we do recall the huge scandals perpetrated by
Jimmy Swaggart, James Baker, Jim Jones, and Jesse Jackson, just to name a few
Protestant figures.
Have you ever noticed that when you point your finger at
someone else, you have three of them pointing at yourself? Try it and
The Protestant Error of Deriding
What They Do Not Understand:
It would seem that normal
human curiosity would prompt all of us to search for the truth. Even if we
refuse to search for it of our own free will, Holy Scripture demands it of us
(Romans 1:18,2:8).
Some Protestant sects, however, constantly deride and
blaspheme Catholic teaching without ever bothering to find out whether what they
deride is true or not. Looking at their actions from a Catholic point of view,
they appear to display a hatred for the Catholic Church which is greater than
their love for GOD. Anyone who loves GOD, searches for Him, since He is
truth personified.
"But these men, as irrational beasts, naturally
tending to the snare and to destruction, blaspheming those things which they
know not, shall perish in their corruption."
2Peter 2:12
"But these men
revile whatever they do not understand, and by those things that they know by
instinct as irrational animals do, they are destroyed."
Jude 1:10
I have
just presented four more verses in this lone topic which are not recognized by
A companion to this topic follows next...
The Error of Not Accepting the
Truth When it is Presented to Them:
The false charges
made by Protestants against the Catholic Church are easily proven false by many
different channels. However the Protestant mind-set is such that they
automatically discard proofs of their errors without even investigating them for
themselves. Scripture has many verses which condemn those who refuse to accept
the truth. It is a triple self condemnation on their part, first for even making
the false charge, next for ignoring those verses, and lastly for their failure
to even read and study the evidence of their being in error presented to
1. The charges that Peter was not the first Pope, that Peter was never in Rome, are proven false by
scores of authentic historical writings which date in every century all the way
back to the first century. However, Sola Scriptura believers reject all written
history before the Protestant revolt, just as if history had come to a
standstill for fifteen hundred years, except if they can twist it to support
their false beliefs.
"The coming of the lawless one by the activity of
Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all
wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the
truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make
them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the
truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
2Thessalonians 2:9-12
the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having
itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own
likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into
2Timothy 4:3-4
"But if you have bitter jealousy and
contentions in your hearts, go not glory and be liars against the
James 3:14
"But because I speak the truth
you do not believe me. Which of you can convict me of sin? If I speak the truth,
why do you not believe me?"
"And if anyone will not receive you or
listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that
house or town. Truly, I say to you, it shall be more tolerable on the day of
judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomor'rah than for that
Matthew 10:14-15
I am forced to conclude that
Protestants are not interested in finding the truth,
but are interested only
in their own agendas.
Closed minds are closed to truth. Closed to truth
is closed to Him who is Truth, and to His Word.
This observation leads us to
the next topic.
The Protestant Closed Mind
The hardest thing in the world to open is a
closed mind. People with closed minds have their heads in the sand, seemingly
believing that they wallow in the truth and are safely hidden and protected from
outside influence. They are comfortable where they are, and they do not want to
change because change requires effort. Also they are afraid that they might have
to admit that they were in error if they were shown to be wrong. That would put
them in a struggle with pride, which is the root of all sin. They are victims of
what is commonly called "subjective certitude".
They are, "...ever learning
yet never attaining knowledge of the truth (2Timothy 3:7)."
certitude means that the mind conforms to objective truth. The person with
objective certitude is certain of the truth because it is the truth. The person
with subjective certitude is motivated by their feelings whether they are of
truth or not. Those who are locked into subjective certitude are only fooling
themselves into thinking that they are right simply because they are sincere in
their beliefs. However, sincerity is a two edged sword and can be misleading,
simply because a person can be sincerely wrong as well.
"Therefore let any
one who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall."
People with open minds, at least will listen to other viewpoints,
and through research, study, and prayer, will make careful decisions as to which
viewpoint has objective truth, which in itself will lead them to objective
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is
honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,
think about these things."
Philippians 4:8
What does Holy
Scripture say about keeping a closed mind?
"With them
indeed is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which says: 'You shall indeed hear
but never understand, and you shall indeed see but never perceive. For this
people's heart has grown dull, and their ears are heavy of hearing, and their
eyes they have closed, lest they should perceive with their eyes, and hear with
their ears, and understand with their heart, and turn for me to heal them.' But
blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. Truly, I say
to you, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, and did not
see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it." Matthew
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all
ungodliness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth."
Romans 1:18
"...but for those who are factious and do not obey the truth,
but obey wickedness, there will be wrath and fury." Romans 2:8
Well, there
you have it. How are those with subjective certitude, resulting in closed minds,
ever going to be able to even find the truth?
The answer to that one is that
they will not ever find the truth unless they open their minds.
Scripture, as
I have shown, commands us to have open minds so we can explore all avenues
presented to us in our search for the truth.
Protestants claim, that they
follow Scripture ONLY.
I have noticed that they tend to do so
only when it agrees with their personal opinions, each with their own
individual "subjective certitude".
However, Holy Scripture has clearly said
that we must search for the truth, and no one can do that while harboring a
closed mind.
The Protestant Error of
1. Having overbearing pride,
haughtiness, contempt of others.
2. Having a superior attitude over who they
perceive to be inferior to themselves.
3. Displaying a rebellious and
disobedient attitude towards authority.
This behavior is commonly
displayed among many, but not all Protestant sects.
The opposite of pride is
humility. The opposite of disobedience is obedience. Please show me the
Scripture verses where Jesus Christ taught us to be arrogant and not humble.
Please show me where He taught disobedience instead of obedience? He was both
humble and obedient throughout the Gospels. Aren't we supposed to imitate Him?
He was obedient and displayed humility to His mother and foster father after He
was found in the temple (Luke 2:51), and to His mother at Cana (John 2:3-10).
Just imagine, here is the creator of the universe, in humble obedience to a mere
creature whom He had created. He was obedient to Pilate, to Herod, to Roman rule
(Mark 12:17), even to His death on the cross.
"He who is
greatest among you shall be your servant; whoever exalts himself will be
humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." Matthew
"Likewise you that are younger be subject to the elders. Clothe
yourselves, ALL OF YOU, with humility toward one another, for God opposes
the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Humble yourselves therefore
under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he may exalt you."
5:5-6, more verses ignored by Protestants.
For those Protestants who exalt
themselves due to unmitigated arrogance, how can you possibly justify your
actions in the face of what Jesus Christ has set for us as an example to
Where is humility in Protestantism instead of arrogance?
Where is
obedience instead of disobedience? Was Martin Luther obedient? Was he
The Wearing of Protestant Glasses
with Blinders Error:
In order to arrive at the truth, we
must look through the lenses of the eyes of Jesus Christ who is truth (John
14:6). Protestants consistently look at issues through biased Protestant glasses
with blinders on both sides and are seemingly oblivious to what is available
outside of their narrow field of view. They read only Protestant material and
books, and when asked for genuine historical documents to "prove" what they say,
they will invariably quote from some other Protestant novel. These quotes are
not genuine historical documents and offer no "proof" of anything whatsoever,
but are merely the opinions of the writer.
An intelligent, thinking person,
using his GOD given common sense, will explore all avenues available regardless of
who wrote it, in order to arrive at the truth. One prime example of what I have
said here, is their refusal to read the multitudinous writings of scores of
Christians who lived before the Protestant revolt.
Saint Augustine's (354-430 A.D.) "Confessions" is
the second most widely read book of all time right behind the Holy Bible, and it
is very applicable to our lives of today, yet Protestants will ignore this
priceless treasure of lessons regarding our relationship with GOD.
There are
thousands of writings by scores of brilliant writers in every century of which
Protestants have consistently and willingly ignored.
Protestants make due
with only a part of written material available, mainly writings after the early
16th century. At the same time they will ignore the great bulk, an enormous
collection of genuine historical writings for the first fifteen centuries of
Christianity. This material is easily found on the Internet for free, and in
bookstores, and libraries .
I sense that they are afraid to read early Church
writings, and even secular writings, such as non-biased history books, and even
Encyclopedias, for fear of what they will find therein.
If a person wanted to
find out who founded what Church, just have them consult a secular Encyclopedia
and it will have the answer.
The Protestant Error of Not
Heeding Anything But Their Own Agenda:
I have seen it
many times when I give detailed answers to their anti-Catholic charges which
proves from Scripture that their charges are baseless, they will return with the
same false charges, not even reading what I have sent them. This tells me that
their hatred for the Catholic Church is greater than their love for GOD and for
the truth, and that all they are really interested in is their own
"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in
expressing his opinion."
Proverbs 18:2
The Protestant Lack of Reasoning
Power Error:
Everything having to do with GOD and His
Church is so simple that any thinking person should be able to reason it out for
We have the truth in the Words of Jesus Christ, and the power of
reasoning and basic logic in order to discern those Words properly.
Just look
at the abundance of verses which stress oneness, and truth.
1. There is only one GOD.
Ephesians 4:6
2. There is only one truth. John 14:6, 17:17
There is only one Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:4
4. There is only one fold.
John 10:16
5. There is only one Shepherd for that one fold. John
6. There is only one Church. Psalms 127:1, Matthew 16:18,
1Corinth 3:11, Ephesians 1:22,4:5
7. There is only one authority.
Matthew 18:15-18, John 20:21-23
8. There is only one Bible. Galatians
9. There is only one true interpretation of that Bible. Acts
8:30-34, 2Peter 3:14-17
10. There is only one Baptism. Ephesians 4:5
There is only one priesthood. Hebrews 7:11-17
12. We must all be one. John
13. We are obligated to search for the truth. 2Thessalonians 2:13,
James 3:14, 2John 1:1-4
14. Dire consequences await those who do not reveal
the truth. Romans 1:18
15. Dire consequences await those who do not accept
the truth. Romans 2:8
16. Dire consequences await those who do not speak the
truth. Revelation 21:8, 21:27
17. We have only one life, so we must get it
right the first and our only time around.
Anything that contradicts even
one of the verses listed above is not from GOD, but from the author of division
and confusion.
With all of those "Ones" listed above, why is it that Protestants
cannot use their power of reasoning to see that they do not comply with what
Holy Scripture commands of us?
35,000 plus Protestant "folds" is a violation
by all sects of several verses in #4, #5 and #6 above.
With all of them
teaching contradicting doctrines, they violate #2.
With none of them having
any authority, they violate #7.
They all certainly violate #9 with their
practice of "individual interpretation" of Holy Scripture.
Why is it so
hard to reason that to have only one truth, you must have only one
It is that simple, but Protestants simply cannot understand
it, and their tens of thousands of sects prove it.
After all, by simple
reasoning and common sense,
it is easy to see that GOD would not have given us one infallible book without first giving us one infallible interpreter
for it.
The Protestant Error of the
Rejection of Most of the Sacraments:
Most Protestant
sects have only two sacraments. I will not detail all of those which they
reject, but I will mention the sacrament of matrimony. The union of a man and a
woman in marriage is a sacred vow, as it is not viable only between the two of
them, but as a triad in co-operation with GOD. Scripture is clear that this
union is not to be broken by the whims and wiles of man. However, Protestant
sects in condoning divorce have ignored yet more of Holy
"Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to
his wife,
and they become one flesh." Genesis 2:24
By divorce, why
do Protestants try to divide one flesh? After all, it is anti-GOD and
A valid marriage in the eyes of GOD is indivisible.
"And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, "Is it
lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?" He answered, "Have you not read
that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said,
'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his
wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two but one
flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put
asunder." Matthew 19:3-6
So if one flesh is divided by man, what
do we have left, two separated halves?
In taking the literal translation of
Holy Scripture with the mind set of Protestantism, that is all they would get.
However, in the eyes of GOD, the two are still married until death do they
The Inconsistency of Protestant
Teaching Error:
Since GOD never changes, and therefore
His Word never changes, why then do Protestants change their teaching according
to which way the wind is blowing? Their teachings fall more and more along
secular pressure lines rather than what they taught originally. Cases in
1. Their teaching regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary. I have already
discussed how the Protestant reformation founders loved the Mother of GOD, and
how their heirs scorn her and love her not.
2. All Christian churches once
banned abortion. Now
many Protestant sects accept it.
Did GOD change His mind about abortion? Is
GOD now Pro-Choice? Many Protestants are.
3. All Christian sects once banned
female ministers. Now there are female ministers in many Protestant sects,
Anglican, Methodist, and Episcopalian, just to name a few. Their "reward" for
doing this, has resulted in that all of those listed are experiencing a
declining membership.
Isn't this topic nothing more than a secular movement
in response to feminist pressures?
4. Contraception and the Lambeth
Conference. Before 1930, all of the mainline Protestant churches were in
agreement with the Catholic Church regarding the sin of contraception. However,
in 1930 the Anglican Church called the Lambeth conference and decreed that
contraception was acceptable under certain conditions. Since then, the
conditions were softened again and again until they disappeared altogether, and
now just about all of Protestantism openly supports contraception.
Isn't this
a clear result of secular pressure for, "We want contraception
Today, the Catholic Church stands almost alone on this
GOD stands behind and beside His Catholic
Acts 5:38-39, Romans 8:31, Ephesians 5:23
Read this most prophetic document written
by Catholic Pope Paul VI, and released on
July 25, 1968. In it he warned the
world what the consequences would be if contraception were allowed to continue.
Pay especial attention to paragraph 17, for in it you will clearly see his dire
warning. Now look around you and compare his prophetic words with the mess this
world is in today, for it is exactly as this Pope had predicted it would be over
thirty-four years ago.
This mess we are in today, as to the consequences of
contraception, was aided and abetted by Protestant bowing to secular pressures
and by their succumbing to the will of man, rather than to the will of
Here is yet another verse which was clearly abandoned by Protestants for
this subject, but which is clearly followed by the, "unbending to secular
pressure", Catholic Church:
Acts 5:29, "But Peter and the apostles answered,
'We must obey God rather than men'."
The Protestant Similarities to
Islam Error:
In Islam it is the Koran only.
Protestantism it is the Bible only.
In Islam there is the extreme right which
teaches that the Koran does not espouse violence, while the extreme left say
just the opposite that the Koran does espouse Jihad, or Holy war.
Protestantism, there are striking similarities between right and left just as in
Islam. While one side interprets Scripture to read one way, the other side will
invariably interpret Scripture to read just the opposite.
Every doctrine
taught by one Protestant sect is denied by another as stated earlier. For
Hell exists. Hell does not exist.
Baptize infants. Do not baptize
Jesus Christ is GOD. Jesus Christ is not GOD.
Once saved, always
saved, no works are needed. Work out your salvation, works are needed.
etc, etc, throughout every Christian doctrine except for the basic one, the
existence of GOD.
What is the root of the problem here? Jesus Christ
taught only one truth did he not?
If you would take a Protestant shotgun and
an Islamic shotgun and fire one shell each at a wall, and examined the two
patterns of shots, what would you see? You would see a scattering of personal
opinions, right, left, conservative, liberal, etc. However, who would be at the
center, or hub of each pattern? Name the person? You cannot, as neither
Protestantism nor Islam has any central authority to make the final definitive
decision regarding the truth of any of their perceived doctrines.
The only
authority that Protestantism thinks it has is registered in all of the shot
marks in their pattern, since every Protestant acts as if they were their own
Now take a Catholic shotgun and perform the same test. Who is at the
center now?
The answer to "what is the root of the problem here", is that
neither Protestantism nor Islam has any central authority.
They are both
anchored to a book which can be interpreted in as many ways as there are books,
or "as there are heads", as Martin Luther had once lamented, as described
Consequently, both end up with never ending squabbling, strife,
infighting, factioning, and chaos, over which "head" has the correct
interpretation of their respective books.
For Protestantism, it is the Tower
of Babel all over again.
The Protestant Christless Cross
Protestants appear to honor Saint Paul more than
they do Saint Peter, so why do they neglect to follow his teaching regarding the
The Crucifix is denied by Protestants. However, Saint Paul
"...but we, for our part, preach a crucified
1Corinthians 1:23
How can anyone preach a crucified Christ
with an empty or Christless cross?
"For I determined not to know anything
among you, except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." 1Corinthians 2:2
senseless Galatians, who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth:
before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been set forth, crucified among
Galatians 3:1
"Catholics can relate to the crucifix since we all
carry our crosses (Matthew 16:24).
Absolutely no one can relate to an empty
cross since none of us has ever risen from the dead."
Father Benedict
There is no Christless cross, just as there is no crossless
The Protestant Error of
Protestants will deny Purgatory because they cannot find the word in the
Bible even though the doctrine itself is in the Bible.
Why then do most of
them believe in the Trinity when that word is not in the Bible
Why do many Protestants believe in something called
"the rapture", when strangely, I cannot find the word "rapture' in the Bible
Protestants say if it is not in the Bible they will
not believe it, deja-vu Sola
Simply by trying to use Sola Scriptura, neither I, nor they, nor anyone
else, can find the words or the doctrine of Sola Scriptura anywhere in the
With what they have been taught about it,
how can any Protestant ever believe it if they cannot find it in
Isn't that being hypocritical, especially on that
Protestants claim that the Catholic Church is corrupted, yet
they also claim that the Bible is infallible. However, it is a foregone
conclusion, proven by historical fact, that the Bible did indeed come
from the Catholic Church. So
are they willing to admit that a corrupted Church had to have given them a
corrupted Bible that they use? Or, on the other side of the coin, are they
willing to admit that it had to have been an infallible Church which gave them
an infallible Bible? So which way is it, a corrupted Church and a corrupted
Bible, or an infallible Church and an infallible Bible?
do Protestants accept the infallible decisions made by Bishops in Catholic
Church councils for the canon of the New
Testament, while at the same time they deny the decisions made by those same
councils and Bishops in establishing the canon of the Old
Why do Protestants constantly split and form new
sects when there is no verse in Holy Scripture which authorizes them to do so?
Scripture has a lot to say about oneness in Christianity, and scorns those who
are divisive (1Corinthians 1:10-13, 1Timothy 6:3-5). Isn't having over 36,000
Protestant sects being divisive?
Aren't these never ending splits
hypocritical for supposed Bible believers?
Why do some Protestant sects
deny that the Catholic Church is mentioned in the Bible and then turn around and
say it is mentioned in the Bible as the "Whore of Babylon" and the beast of 666?
thing, but by capitalizing on using their belief in Sola Scriptura, and by
putting it into practice, I simply cannot find those connections to the Catholic
Church in Scripture, but then it does not surprise me, for since they made up
the story, neither can they.
Ah yes, Sola Scriptura, the false man-made invention of
Protestantism that works against them far more often than they think that it
works for them.
Doesn't this prove that they are being
Why do supposed Bible believing Protestants chastise
Catholics and the Catholic Church with never ending false charges and hatred,
when Holy Scripture clearly says to love your neighbor as yourself? Hypocritical
"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the
law?" And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall
love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law
and the prophets."
Matthew 22:36-40
Where does Scripture say
anywhere, that you must love your neighbor except if he be
Ministers in some Protestant sects actually preach hatred of the
Catholic Church from the pulpit.
What kind of ministers are they who preach
hatred of others instead of "Love thy neighbor"?
I wish to thank all of
those Protestants who persecute Catholics and the Catholic Church, because all
that you are accomplishing is to help all Catholics to a greater reward in
Heaven. Hear Ye!
"Blessed are you when men revile you and
persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted
the prophets who were before you."
Matthew 5:11-12
The Protestant Error of
Democratic Rule:
Jesus Christ clearly founded a Church
ruled by theocracy and governed by a hierarchy. It is a Kingdom, the Kingdom of
GOD. It is the king who holds absolute authoritarian rule over his
"...and he has put all things under his feet and has made him the
head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fulness of him who
fills all in all." Ephesians 1:22-23
Jesus Christ, the King, is the head of
His Church and the Church is His body. In a theocracy, the head always tells the
body what do do.
"As the Church is subject to Christ, so let wives
also be subject in everything to their husbands."
Ephesians 5:24
has the body ever told the head what to do? That is exactly how many Protestant
sects operate. That rule is called democracy, or government by the
How many issues in Protestantism are decided by a vote of the people?
Just a few years back, a large mainline Protestant denomination decided to split
yet again, by a vote of its membership.
That form of government was not
instituted by GOD for His Church.
Anti-Biblical Errors to Which
Protestants Hold:
Part of this is a summation of what I
have previously presented but with some additions.
How do Protestants explain
the following?
1. The man made concept of Sola Scriptura is anti-biblical. Where are the
words "Sola Scriptura" and the verses describing it? I have searched for years,
and no Protestant has been able to show me the verse(s) either. Hebrews
2. Private interpretation of Holy Scripture is anti-biblical.
2Peter 1:20
3. Support of abortion is anti-biblical. Exodus
4. Support of contraception is anti-biblical. Gen
5. The division of the Body of Christ is anti-biblical. John
6. Personal opinion rule is anti-biblical. Mark 12:14
Calumnizing another human person is anti-biblical. John 15:12
Calumnizing the Church which Jesus Christ founded is anti-biblical. 1Corinthians
9. Insulting and degrading the Mother of GOD is anti-biblical.
Luke 1:48
10. Judging another person is anti-biblical. Luke 6:37
Failing to abide by the meaning of one is
anti-biblical. Ephesians 4:1-6
12. Having female ministers is anti-biblical.
John 15:16
13. Abiding by the opinions of men instead of the will of GOD is
anti-biblical. Acts 5:29
14. Failing to accept the truth when presented to
them is anti-biblical. Romans 1:18,2:8
15. Failing to search for the truth is
anti-biblical. Romans 2:8
16. Lying in false attacks against the Catholic
Church is anti-biblical. Ex 20:16, Rev 21:27
17. Holding to the Sabbath as some Protestant
sects do is anti-biblical. Colossians 2:16
18. The failure to be consistent
in teaching is anti-biblical. Truth does not change. John 14:6
19. The
rejection of parts of Holy Scripture is anti-biblical. James 2:10
20. Once saved always saved is
anti-biblical. Philippians 2:12
21. Saved by faith alone is anti-biblical.
James 2:24
22. Saved by grace alone is anti-biblical. James 2:24
Having a closed mind is anti-biblical. Romans 2:8
24. Rejection of authority
is anti-biblical. Hebrews 13:17
25. Having no authority is anti-biblical.
Matthew 18:15-18, Hebrews 13:17
26. Twisting Scripture to suit false teaching
is anti-biblical. 2Peter 3:16
27. Adding to or subtracting from Scripture as
some do is anti-biblical. Deut 4:2, Rev 22:18-19
28. Following the false
prophet as some sects do is anti-biblical. Matthew 7:15
29. The Protestant
revolt was anti-biblical. Hebrews 13:17
30. Bending to secular pressures is
anti-biblical. Truth can never be compromised. Acts 5:29
The Error of Unbiblical
Inventions by Protestantism:
1) The Rapture: Funny
thing, but I cannot find the word "rapture" in the Bible. Did Sola Scriptura
fail yet again? This false belief was first espoused by John Nelson Darby in
1827. It was later promoted by Cyrus Scofield in a footnote in his 1909 Scofield
Reference Bible.
2) Denominationalism: Where can this widely practiced
Protestant error be found in Scripture?
3) The "invisible church", yet another ploy to downgrade
the Catholic Church.
Scripture is clear that the Church which Jesus Christ
founded is highly visible, Matthew 5:14-16.
4) The "total depravity of
man". It is unbiblical also.
5) Predestination, an invention of Calvanist
Protestantism. It is unbiblical.
The Error of the Protestant
"But as for the cowardly and
unbelieving, and abominable and murderers, and fornicators and sorcerers,
and idolaters, and all liars, their portion shall be in the pool that
burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Revelation
21:8, ignored by all liars. See Rev 21:27 also.
It is a foregone
conclusion that Jesus Christ founded only one Church.
1) Why then, do
Protestants ignore this fact and continue to splinter the Body of
2) There is no Protestant who can trace his or her church back
any farther than the Protestant revolt of the early 16th century.
Where is
the verse which authorized them to break from the true Church in the first
3) No Protestant can show that their church was founded by Jesus
Christ, yet Scripture says there is only one Church, the one founded by GOD
(Psalms 127:1, Matthew 16:18).
4) They deny that the Catholic Church is
the Church which Jesus Christ founded, yet they cannot name the Church which He
did found in its stead. Isn't it strange that Scripture has said that GOD's
Church will last forever (Isaiah 2:2,59:21, Matthew 28:20, Ephesians 3:21), and
yet Protestants refuse to name it? If Scripture can be believed at all, why then
do they refuse to name GOD's one and only Church?
5) They cannot name the
person who founded the Catholic Church while at the same time they deny that it
was Jesus Christ. That is strange also, since every Church on earth was founded
by a person with a name. Every single one of the tens of thousands of Protestant
sects can be traced back to a human person with a name, as its founder. Why is
it that Protestants refuse to name the founder of the Catholic Church?
that the epitome of arrogance as I touched upon in a previous segment?
Why do Protestants spread the lie that the Catholic Church apostatized soon
after the last Apostle died, and therefore the Church of today is not the one
that Jesus Christ founded?
This lie flies in the face of Matthew 16:18, as
Protestants must then have to admit that the 'gates of hell' did indeed prevail,
that the Bible was in error, and that all of the verses I have previously listed
that promise the perpetuality of Christ's Church must be in error as well. This
so-called "great
apostasy" lie is then magnified a hundredfold since no Protestant can
produce genuine historical documents which record such a "monumental, universe
shaking event". Every writer who was alive at the time had to have witnessed
that supposed "profound event", and those who have lived ever since (up until
the time that the lie was invented by Protestantism), did not write about it
either. What with the "greatest event since the crucifixion" at hand, why didn't
they? It is because it never happened, that's why. Simply put, "No lie is of the
truth", 1John 2:21, so therefore no lie can be proven.
Scripture does say
that people within Christ's Church will apostatize, but not the Church itself.
For you see, it is impossible, since Christ is the Head, and the Church is His
How could the Body of Christ rebel against, and leave His Head? They
are inseparable forever.
"Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the
Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the
church, his body, and is himself its Savior." Ephesians 5:22-23
Protestants, explain those verses? Is Christ really the Savior of His Body, or
did He desert it as Protestantism would have us believe? Is Holy Scripture in
error yet again according to Protestant false charges?
Are we to believe the
Protestant lie, or the truth of the Word of GOD?
Do you recall the story of
the wheat and the chaff, where the weeds will co-exist with the righteous up
until the very end, and then they will be separated out and burned (Matthew
"For, in the first place, when you assemble as a church, I
hear that there are divisions among you; and I
partly believe it, for there must be factions
among you in order that those who are genuine among
you may be recognized." 1Corinthians 11:18-19.
From those two verses we
have a perfect example of the apostasy of individuals within the Church,
those who cause divisions and factions. Now from what I have shown in many places in
this writing, just who is the cause of divisions and factions? It is none other than Protestantism.
Protestantism has already created over 36,000 divisions and factions, and which number is still
increasing unceasingly every week to this very day.
Who are the
'genuine among you'?
They are the
faithful of the one and only Church that Jesus Christ founded and which is
still with us after almost 2000 years of persecution. Read Acts 5:38-39 for the
reason why this longevity.
For those who continue to spread the lie of the
so-called, and non-existent, "great apostasy", please re-read Revelation
21:8, and endeavor to explain Ephesians 5:23-24?
7) How many verses have
I shown in this writing that Protestants ignore? Isn't it a lie to say that you
follow Scripture literally to the word, and yet ignore so many Scriptural
8) Why do Protestants take the whole Bible literally except for
John chapter 6, which they call symbolic? One chapter in the whole Bible is
symbolic? How can that be true?
9) How can Protestants say that Sola Scriptura has been in
use from day one, when for over 1400 years almost no one had a Bible, and even
if they did, the great majority of the masses were illiterate anyhow?
Since Protestants believe that "all Scripture is inspired (2Tim 3:16)", then why
aren't the gospels of Peter, Philip, Nicodemus, Bartholomew, Andrew, Thomas,
etc, in their Bible?
11) Where in Holy Scripture did Jesus give
instructions that the Christian faith is to be solely based on a book? How about
the same question except for using the Apostles instead of Jesus?
12) Why
do Protestants say it is the Bible which is the pillar and foundation of truth
when the Bible clearly says it is the Church (1Tim 3:15)? Please give me the
name of that Church?
13) Why do Protestants reject Apostolic Tradition
when the Bible clearly says, "So then, brethren, stand firm and hold the
teachings that you have learned, whether by word or by letter of
2Thessalonians 2:15, yet another verse ignored, and taught against by
14) Why do Protestants deny that the Bible came from the Catholic Church when they
cannot name a truthful and provable alternate source, and where there are
literally hundreds of genuine historical documents which prove them to be wrong
in their denial?
15) Protestants deny that Peter was given primacy in Matthew 16:18. Nothing
in Scripture is done without a purpose. For what purpose then, did Jesus change
Simon's name to Peter?
16) Why do Protestants deny that the Papacy is
Scriptural, when in fact, it is very Scriptural?
17) Why is it that
Protestants can never supply genuine historical documents to "prove"
their false charges? Is it because the lie can never be proven, but the truth
can be?
It is simple, if you have no truth, then you have no
Catholics can, and do, supply genuine historical documents to prove
what they teach.
Why then do Protestants refuse to read them? Romans 1:18,
18) Why do Protestants deny the unbroken line of succession of Popes down through the centuries
from St. Peter to the present Pope, when the Catholic Church has given free
access for anyone to research genuine historical documents to prove it to be
true, but Protestants refuse to read them? Anyone can go to a secular
encyclopedia and see the same succession of Popes.
19) Why do Protestants
deny that the Catholic Church has existed from the first century, when hundreds
of genuine historical documents,
written by scores of Holy men and women, are freely available to prove them
wrong in their denial? However, Protestants simply refuse to read them. As
explained earlier, Protestants teach that history ended with Acts 28:30 and did not begin
again until Luther came along.
"But there is nothing
concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made
Luke 12:2
"Just as the weeds are
gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the close of the age. The Son of
man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of
sin and all evildoers (includes those who lie and reject the truth), and throw them into the furnace of
fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth. Then the righteous (those who follow the teaching of
Christ through His one Church) will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has
ears, let him hear." Matthew 13:40-43
"Do all things without
grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of
God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation,
whom you
Philippians 2:14-15
"Truth has always bothered people and is never
Cardinal Ratzinger, October 9,
However, He
who has refused to acknowledge the truth in life
will be forced to confront
it in death.
by then it is too late isn't it?
Because at that point in time the GOD of
has suddenly become the GOD of Justice.
Galatians 4:16?
Written by Bob Stanley, August 20,
Updated April 2, 2004
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