Food For Thought, And Some Amazing Parallels...

Amazing Parallels That Most Of Us Never Thought About Before...

The ram of sacrifice of Abraham and Isaac, and the Lamb of sacrifice, JESUS.
The wood of sacrifice of Abraham and Isaac, and the wood of the cross.
Isaac carried the wood of his sacrifice on his back, Jesus carried the cross of His sacrifice   on His back.
The ram caught in the briarbush, and the Lamb nailed to a cross.
The rams head tangled in thorns, Jesus crowned with thorns.
The blood of the ram and the blood of the LAMB.
The tree of death (Eden), and the tree of life, the cross.
JESUS was born from a virgin womb and was buried in a virgin tomb.
JESUS was born in a strangers cave and was buried in a strangers cave.

HE started at the cave of Bethlehem and ended at the cave of Calvary.
There was no room in the city for JESUS to be born, and no room in the city for HIM to   die.
The first Eve brought death to us. The second Eve (Mary) brought life to us.
The first Adam closed the gates of Heaven. The second Adam (JESUS) opened the gates of   Heaven.
The first Eve obeyed the serpent. The second Eve (Mary) obeyed GOD.
GOD spared Abrahams son, but HE did not spare HIS own SON.
Eve said no to GOD. Mary said yes to GOD.
The garden of roses (Eden) and the garden of agony (Gethsemene).

Joshua led his people to the promised land. JESUS (Joshua in Hebrew) CHRIST came   from the promised land to lead HIS people.
GOD had the Hebrews make a bronze serpent and mount it on a pole to save them from   deadly snake bites. Jesus was mounted on a pole to save us from deadly sin.
SHE was the 'Maid Servant'. HE is the 'Suffering Servant'.
We have the 'Eve of Eden' and the 'Christmas Eve'.
In Eden, man was made in the image of GOD. In Bethlehem, GOD came in the image of   man.
The Jews offered sacrifice by splitting animals on an altar. CHRIST was sacrificed by   splitting HIS body from HIS blood at Calvary.

Before CHRIST was born we looked forward to HIS coming. After HIS death we look   backward to HIS having been here.
The first woman came from man. Ever since then all men came from woman.
The first Eve fell to the serpent. The second Eve will crush the serpent.
Time stopped when JESUS was born. We went from BC to AD.
The blood of the lamb saved the Jews at Passover, and the blood of the Lamb on the Cross   redeemed all of us.
The carpenter was crucified with carpenters tools, hammer and nails.
The Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each of us is a trinity also, of   body (Son), soul (Father), and spirit (Holy Spirit).

The carpenter, Joseph, teaches the creator of the universe how to make furniture.
We all obey GOD, but GOD obeys His priests.
The Ark of the Covenant, GOD ordered to be made perfect and without blemish, in order   to carry His 'Word' written on stone tablets. The 'New Ark of the Covenant', Mary, He   made perfect and without blemish, to carry His 'Incarnate Word'.
Noah's Ark, no one outside of it was saved, and the Catholic Church is the 'New Ark'.

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