Special Offer
Hey, let's talk websites. Everybody has one. The teacher sitting next to you prepping for her class has one. Your stingy boss has one. Heck, even your boss's three bratty kids each have one. You feel kinda -- I don't know -- like you're missing something somewhere. But what can you do? You don't know HTML from NCC-1701. You know there are tons of cool things you can do on a web page (you've seen the Three Bratketeers' work), but you have no idea where to start...Hold on there, little shaver, and let Uncle Eltcafe do the work for you. The Cafe doesn't know any hidden meanings or secret codes, but after hundreds and hundreds of hours surfing the Web and building pages, a few things stick with you. The Cafe is gonna make you an offer you can't refuse :
Yes, you heard right. The Two Cents Cafe will give you a more-than-fair amount of work getting started/spiffing up your little corner of the cybersprawl in exchange for .. hmm.. a full page of tips about some aspect of teaching EFL/ESL..or an FAQ about teaching in another country (it really gets crazy around here when someone sends one of those), or ... anything Uncle Eltcafe deems suitable for hanging in the Cafe's hallowed halls.
Please note that I'm happy to help and help and help 'til the cows come home, but not actually build the site for you. My work at the Cafe is all about empowerment -- helping you learn to help yourself, to coin a phrase. You write the content. Ahhh, but in this little quid pro quo we happy Cafe-goers like to think of as "a business deal," I'll do as much of the webpage construction as I think your contribution to the Cafe Cause should warrant -- and then some.
Copyright (c) 1998 Timothy M. Nall. All rights reserved.
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