ELT Two Cents Cafe
two pennies

empty Tucked in a corner of the clamorous cyber sprawl is the Two Cents Cafe', an evolving gallery for EFL teachers, where the weary web-traveler can find an oasis of tips, FAQs and other info about teaching English as a Foreign/Second language... and you can help!

The ELT Two Cents Cafe' has acquired so much info and so many activities about teaching English as a second language that using a site tree to get around may be necessary. Two site trees are available. One has frames and javascript (initially slow to load, but highly convenient once it has loaded) and one without frames or javascript. Choose one below:

Spicy frames Plain, no frames
and javascript no javascript

Teacher's Loft 
A sturdy toolbox for the EFL/ESL teacher, including helpful tips for the new teacher facing a classroom full of students whose first language isn't English ...lesson plans integrating classroom instruction, games and CALL (computer-assisted language learning) ... tips on building your own webpage ... an introduction to dynamic action mazes .. and much, much more!

The Chart Room updated
Or maybe you've set your sights on new lands (you're planning to teach overseas), and you're interested in seeing Today's World Exchange Rates or reading one of the many FAQs about teaching in countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, Brazil, Turkey, the Middle East/Lower Gulf or...?

HTML and Website Building:Tips, links, and tutorials
Info about : So ya wanna build a homepage, but you're thinking you need a degree in HTML and years of computer programming experience to do it? Relax! It's as easy as slapping Post-It notes on your refrigerator door!

Connections : Interaction & Exposure
Looking for a key pal for yourself - or for your English class? Want to add your link to a gallery of EFL - related sites? Looking for job listings? This is the place to interact with others, or to get exposure for your site...

..and you can help
You can order squid mouth soup like a native...chat with taxi drivers... track down that tiny shop that sells peng da hai for your bad case of teacher's throat...in short, you're an old hand. Remember all those people who helped you get started when you didn't know sushi from Shinola? Remember how you couldn't have made it so easily or so well without their help? Here's your chance to return the favor. Contribute your Two Cents about any aspect of teaching ESL/EFL, and the Cafe may have something to give you in return
    Currently, we are very interested in hearing about special situations and problems faced by women teaching EFL overseas ... and you can help.

Special thanks to Moyra's Web Jewels for many images in the "Ghost in the Musem" action maze..


This ESLoop site is owned by Tim Nall and Deni Harding .

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Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Timothy M. Nall. All rights reserved.