Last update: March 3rd

The Gym Building The Performing Arts Center The Rudolf Mouser Building

Mouse Elementary Waldorf

Welcome to the new and improved MEW (Mouse Elementary Waldorf). Why the new name Waldorf? Because the mouse-up in charge studies in a Waldorf school that is a bit different from others and think it would be nice to have your mice to study like her. Rudolf Mouser that "made" this Pedagogy so we named the new building after him.

If you would like to enroll your kid, read the Administrative Area page for more info on that! ;-)


Quick Map:

The Gym Building Sport Court
The Performing Arts Center Drama Class
The Rudolf Mouser Building K-5; Sign-up; Principal's Office


Our sister school: MSU

MEW has a sister school. Actually it's a sister university ran by Dean Micklin (our Principal's father). It'll be in BCE soon but for now MSU (Mouse University) is only available if you email us asking for the address. Thank you! ;-) 

Content and graphics ©2001 Isabel. All rights reserved.
This is NOT a real Waldorf school. This is a fictional school! The real creator of the Waldorf schools was a German called Rudolf Steiner. We are using the name for fun