Welcome to the Interactive Bible Study

We are delighted that you have chosen to take this Bible Course. It is the result of many hours of work so that it would be the most effective course for those who desire to do the will of God. The course is designed to acquaint one with the basic truths in the Bible that apply to each and every soul. This is simply a Bible course. All points are made from the Bible, the Word of God. If you should find anything that you believe is not in the Bible, please feel free to contact the author at yoppj@hotmail.com. We will weigh your comments in the light of the Bible and, if necessary, make changes in our own faith.

There are ten lessons in this course. It is so written that you will go through the lessons step by step. Questions with multiple answers will be presented. If you miss the question, you will be given another opportunity to respond. If your answer is correct, you will proceed to the next one. At the end of each lesson's questions, you will then proceed to the next lesson. Everyone is to start with Lesson One. If you are unable to complete the course(most will not in one session), the following lessons may be accessed as you resume your study. Please remember which lesson you have completed so that you may keep the course in sequence.

Lesson One

Lesson Two

Lesson Three

Lesson Four

Lesson Five

Lesson Six

Lesson Seven

Lesson Eight

Lesson Nine

Lesson Ten