Key Resource

You are visitor n. to this page since 10th October 1997

This document was last updated Sunday 6th December 1998

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[All these ZIP files contain banks in SYX format]

Download Dumpster Sysex Librarian for Windows
(for Amiga & Mac users see Korgy Park software section)


x5dpre-a The original X5D preset A
x5dpre-b The original X5D preset B
m1 The valorous M1 bank
o1w-a The original O1W bank A
o1w-b The original O1W bank B
popperf1 Pop performance bank 1
popperf2 Pop performance bank 2
pip1 Great bank
organ Korg Organs
rock Powerful bank
top100 Some good X5/D soundsThanks to Brian Kavtaradze
housefnk House-Funky bank
n364 n364 preset AThanks to Jack Grimes
uksynth1 Synth Bank #1
uksynth2 Synth Bank #2
mine User contribution bank
jazz Jazz performanceSame as xip03
orchestr Orchestral instrumentsSame as xip04
steve-b User contribution bankThanks to Steve
x3-001a X3 converted soundsThanks to Xedit
x3-003a X3 converted soundsThanks to Xedit
x3-003b X3 converted soundsThanks to Xedit
vc1 X3 converted soundsThanks to Xedit
vc2 X3 converted soundsThanks to Xedit
vc3 X3 converted soundsThanks to Xedit
xip01 X5 Power disk B
xip02 X5 Power disk B
xip05 X5 Power disk B
tony1 Tony Thompson's bank
jmjarre1 J.M.Jarre's first bankDedicated to Janne Simonen's courtesy
i3bank-c Korg i3 programs-bank CThanks to Jack Grimes
i3bank-d Korg i3 programs-bank DThanks to Jack Grimes
xsd-11a XSD first bank (11a)
vc4 X3 converted soundsNEW
recopil2 ReCopilation IIBy Sergi Fumanya Grünwaldt
vc5 Coming soonHelp me to keep this page alive !
BONUS BANK200 NEW SOUNDSAfter your contribution


See Xedit Home Page for more details and DOWNLOAD the demo version.

My dream is to create the KorgSounds site (.com), but I need a good idea or a money support...