Just forTeachers!
All links verified as working as of December 10, 1997!
U.S. Dept. of Education
- Current news, teachers' guides, grant info, Secretary's Initiatives, links.
- Articles, resources, funny classroom stories, school profiles.
National PTA
- Issues, product information, calendar of events.
Children's Literature
Web Guide
- Book lists and reviews, teachers' guides, links.
Web Sites and Resources
for Teachers
- Large list of links, lots of topics.
- National Center to Improve Practice in Special Education.
Helpful Sites for
Educators and Parents of Children with Disabilities
- The name says it all!
The Busy Teacher's
- Huge table of contents with grade level, subject area, and reference.
Scholastic Place
- Professional and classroom magazines, supplemental programs, software.
Teachers' Edition Online
- Lesson ideas, management tips, message boards, newsletter.
Instructor Magazine
- The popular teachers' magazine with articles, lessons, tips, worksheets.
Reading Rainbow
- Program guides, lesson ideas.
Discovery Channel School
- Classroom guides for several Discovery programs.
National Wildlife Federation
- Teachers' guides for many wildlife and environment lessons.
Newton's Apple
- Grab a lesson or program guide to accompany this award-winning show!
Education World
- Powerful search engine. Education topics, message boards, parent resources.
- SafeSurf's Educational Resource Files. Lots of eductional links to try.

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