Reference Sources
All links verified as working as of December 10, 1997!
Acronyms and Abbreviations - Search more than 15,000 acronyms and abbreviations.
American Sign Language (ASL) Dictionary
- A dictionary (graphical) of rudimentary ASL signs and definitions.
- Find out birthdays, death dates, and special events that happened any day of the year.
AT&T Directory of 800 Numbers (US).
Berkeley Public Library's Index to the Internet
- An extensive, classified guide to Internet resources from this California library.
Bibliographic Citations for Electronic Media (MLA and APA).
Biographical Dictionary
- Contains biographical information on over 18,000 people from ancient times to the present day.
Carl UnCover
- A site that allows you to search over 17,000 academic periodical titles from 1988 to the present; also available through telnet.
Census Data (US) 1790-1860
- A wealth of information that is searchable by easy-to-use forms.
Citing Internet References
- A useful set of links to citing Internet resources in all formats.
Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network
- Facilitates access to data and information on human interactions in the environment; many population databases included.
Conversion Factors
- A site with the conversion relationship between U.S. customary units and SI (International System ) units.
- Conversions from one scientific or engineering measurement to another.
Copyright Act of 1976 (amended 1994).
Copyright and Fair Use
- Links to sites, articles, and information regarding the area of copyright laws.
Copyright Web Publishing Rules (Bellingham, WA)
- An example of a copyright policy for school-produced Web pages and links to other copyright sites.
Copyright Website
- A layperson's guide to copyright rules, regulations, and infringements.
Currencies Converter
- Convert any of 164 worldwide currencies from the present back to 1/1/1990 (the dates are in dd/mm/yy form).
Currency Conversion Calculator
- An easy-to-use currency conversion tool.
Currency Converter from Microsoft Expedia
- Find the current conversion rate for many countries of the world.
Electronic Reference Desk
- A comprehensive list of useful reference tools on the Net.
Explain : The Ultimate Acronym Glossary
- A simple-to-use interface for searching for an acronym's meaning.
- An extensive site with links to law resources of all kinds.
Free Internet Encyclopedia
- An extensive macro and micro reference to information on the Internet arranged similar to an online encyclopedia.
Government Information Sharing Project
- Collected links to government data including economics, demographics, education, 1990 census, USA counties, School District Data Book, and more.
Greenwich Mean Time
- Several links to the world's official time.
- A huge, well-chosen, subject-arranged list of Internet resources of relevance to students and faculty at the university level (useful for K-12 teachers, too).
International Marine Signal Flags
- A nice reference site that explains the signal flags and the semiphore flag waving system.
Internet Library for Librarians : Citation Guides for Internet Resources
- Links to many of the guides for bibliographic citation of Internet sites.
Internet Public Library
- A comprehensive, well-arranged site to all types of resources.
Inventers Hall of Fame
- Hundreds of inventions and inventors, biographies, pictures, indexes of inventions and inventors. Searchable.
iTools : Research It!
- Look up phone numbers, addresses, words, quotations, stock quotes, package tracking, maps and more with this reference tool.
Jenny's Cybrary to the Stars
- A chatty, informative site that is a must for public librarians (and useful for everyone else, too)!
Library of Congress Card Catalog
- Search the collection of the world's largest library.
Library of Congress Classification System
- A hypertext version of the LC class schedules.
Library Reference Center
- Indexing by Ebsco of over 30 library trade journals' contents from the last three years.
Martindale's : The Reference Desk
- A well-chosen, extensive list of links to all types of dictionaries, encyclopedias, and collections.
Measure 4 Measure
- A collection of sites that estimate, calculate, evaluate, and translate for you.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- Search this online dictionary and get definitions, etymologies, pronunciations, and hyperlinks to related words.
National Address Server
- Enter a US postal address and get it rewritten with the ZIP+4 code; view a map of the location.
News Works
- Updated daily, this site contains features from individual newspapers, as well as an overview of national news stories assembled from 125 various publications. A great place to keep up with current events.
Notable Citizens of Planet Earth
- A searchable biographical dictionary which also includes some teaching ideas.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
- The premier reference tool used to research job information and trends.
OneLook Dictionary
- One-stop searching of over 37 specialized Internet dictionaries.
Online English Grammar
- A hypertext guide to the parts of speech, words, and their usage.
Peterson's Guide to Colleges
- Information on undergraduate and graduate education in the US.
Ready Reference Using the Internet
- An extensive list of great links arranged alphabetically by LC subject headings; a large site to initially load up, but worth the wait.
Reference Sources from Nysernet
- A gopher-based list of reference sources.
Rhyming Dictionary
- An easy-to-use rhyming dictionary to help you find that "perfect" word.
Roget's Thesaurus
- A hypertext version of this classic reference tool.
Simplified Rules of Order
- A simplified version of "Robert's Rules of Order", the standards for conducting meetings.
Stately Knowledge
- Includes all sorts of facts, plus a US map indicating the state's location, a picture of the state's flag, and a descriptive list of WWW sites about the state. You'll also find several charts of important information on the states, like comparisons of size and population, date of entry into the Union, state capitals, flowers, songs, and more!
Statistical Abstract of the United States
- Collections of data on social, economic, and international subjects.
- Search over 90 million residential phone directory listings and 10 million business entries; add, delete, or update your own listing.
- Links to many special, subject-arranged dictionaries.
Translating Dictionaries
- Translates your words from English to Greman, Dutch, French, Spanish, Danish, Portuguese, Afrikaans, or Esperanto, as well from each of these languages to the others. Includes phrases.
Virtual Reference Desk
- An exemplary list of ready-reference tools.
webCATS : Library Catalogues on the World Wide Web
- Searchable database of libraries with WWW online catalogs.
Word Net
- Enter a word and find a synonym, antonym, or variant of the word.
Yahoo Reference List
ZIP Code Lookup and Address Information
- Find any US ZIP code by entering the street address.

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