All links verified as working as of December 10, 1997!
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
- Comprehensive collection of philosophy resources on the Internet. Not annotated, but the best are marked with a red star. This is a large file. The benefit is that you can search it with your Find button once it loads.
Philosophy - Bjorn's Guide
- Most comprehensive philosophy archive on the Internet. Includes an alphabetized listing of philosophy journals online, University philosophy departments all over the world and the strongest section -- the area devoted to individual philosophers from Aquinas to Wittgenstein. Each profile contains a biography of the thinker, as well as works, papers, discussion lists, images, and other sites related to the writer.
Philosophy Page
- Table of contents has several major subject areas, including university philosophy departments, projects, particular works, a list of isms, Gopher sites, journals, and philosophers.
Chinese Philosophy
- Covers Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, I Ching, Sun Tzu, Guigu Tzu, and others.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- A searchable database of basic philosophy information and definitions. Visitors to the site can search by keyword, click on a letter to browse subjects in the collection, or read a small library of philosophy texts in HTML format. Check it out from a priori to virtue theory.
Issues in Ethics
- Excellent journal on ethics, from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.

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