All links verified as working as of December 10, 1997!
General Math Pages
Ask Dr. Math!
- The Swat Team answers your math questions
The Mathematics FAQ
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about mathematics, such as the largest
primes and the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem
Mathematical Quotations
- A collection of mathematical quotations, mostly from famous
Mathematics Dictionary
- A dictionary of math terms.
- A presentation of unusual and important mathematical ideas, aimed at
elementary school level.
Mathematical Resources on the Web
- The place for mathematicians!
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse
- This is a well-known K-12 math and science resource, a searchable database of over 7,000 curriculum resources.
Math and Science Gateway
- Links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9-12.
Chaos and Complexity
Chua's Oscillator: Applications of Chaos to Sound and Music
- A description of how chaotic electrical circuits can be used to make
interesting electronic sounds, including some example sample sound files
- An interactive display showing how complex patterns can be formed
by solving fairly simple mathematical equations
Fractals and scale
- An introduction to fractals
The Spanky Fractal Database
- A fabulous resource for fractal images, software and information
Fractal images and animations
- Computer animations and images of fractals
The Geometry Center
at the University of Minnesota
- The Geometry Center has some great multimedia exhibits about
geometric structures, including
Albert Einstein - 1879-1955
- From the American Institute of Physics at Princeton, includes more than 100 pages on Einstein's life and work.
A Brief History of Algebra and Computing
- A history of algebra and its applications to computers
Mathematics in Ancient Greece
- An exhibition based on documents in the Vatican Library
The largest known primes
- Information about prime numbers and how to find them, and a list of the
largest known primes
Puzzles and Problem Solving
Internet Center for Mathematics Problems
- A list of mathematics problems and puzzles available on the Internet
Projects for Students
- Try your hand at the Problem of the Week and Project of the Month
from the Math Forum
- Collaborate with other students via the Internet to solve math problems

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