History and Social Studies
All links verified as working as of December 10, 1997!
American History
World History
- A Wonderful Ancient History Site containing a collection of primary of ancient texts and a collection of essays about ancient history. Cultures covered include ancient China, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, early Islam, medieval Europe, ancient Near East, and ancient India. An absolutely great site!
- History of Western Civilization Resources
- 18th Century Works History, biographies, works written in the 18th Century
- The European Renaissance Check out the Resources & References section.
- World War I Historical Documents A comprehensive site of historical documents, images, and other sources of information about World War I.
- Soviet Archives Documents from the Cold War Era
- The Vanished Gallery All about the human rights violations and military junta which took control of Argentina in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
- The Collapse of the USSR
Psychology and Sociology
Anthropology and Archaeology
Anthropological Studies
Newspapers On-Line

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Last modified: 10 December 1997
Comments: babeard@gte.net
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