Astronomy and Space
All links verified as working as of December 10, 1997!
The Universe
Stars and Galaxies
- A comprehensive multimedia guide to stars and galaxies, taken from
the CD-ROM Earth and Universe
Hubble Space Telescope pictures
- Some spectacular images from the Hubble space telescope,
plus some computer animations
The Messier Catalog
- Images of the brightest and most beautiful diffuse objects in the sky,
including nebulae, galaxies and star clusters
The Web Nebulae
- Information about nebulae, with spectacular images
The Solar System
Rise and Set
- Sun, moon, and visible planets rise and set times. From Old Farmers Almanac.
Views Of The Solar System
- Images and information about the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids and
comets, and the history of space exploration.
Welcome to the Planets
- Another pictorial tour of the solar system from NASA's
Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The Nine Planets: A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System
- Yet another tour of the solar system
Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet collision with Jupiter (SEDS Page)
Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet collision with Jupiter (JPL Page)
- Pictures and descriptions of the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
with Jupiter in July 1994
Astronomy Picture of the Day
- This site offers more than just pictures. Each is accompanied by a detailed explanation from NASA astronomers. The explanations themselves are hyperlinked to other pictures, explanations, and data.
Space Exploration
The Basics of Space Flight
- An introduction to the concepts of space flight
History of Space Exploration
- Multimedia information on the history of rockets, spacecraft,
space exploration, and NASA, including details of all space shuttle flights
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
- Information about SEDS, astronomy, rocketry, and space science
The Center for Mars Exploration
- Information on past and future NASA missions to explore Mars
How to become an astronaut
- Application information and requirements for the astronaut program
The Space Calendar
- A calendar of space-related activities and anniversaries for the
coming year.
Space colonies
- Find out about living in orbit
Space radar images of Earth
- Radar images of earth taken from the space shuttle
UFO Resources
- Everything you ever wanted to know about UFO'S
Links to more information
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- The NASA home page
Space Science Hotlist
- Internet topics and resources on space science
Astronomy Magazine
- Geared toward backyard astronomers, this sit porvides previews of current and upcoming issues. Also has links to astronomical resources.
WebStars and Stars Family Database
- Directories, dictionaries, databases and related products on astronomy, space sciences, as well as related fields, organizations and people.

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