Recommended Links and Resources
If you have a site you'd like us to take a look at and add please feel free to e-mail it to SharTasha. If you could include anything you'd like said about the site, which category (if it's not here yet I'll make it), banners, graphics etc along with the URL that would be helpful and greatly appreciated as well. Feel free to link to our site and I will gladly do the same when asked. We do reserve the right to not list any sites that we find to be objectionable or inappropriate. Thank you and Blessed Be!
Recommended Links:
Resources/Places to buy things
we're linked with:
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AvatarSearch: Search Engine of the Occult Internet
Miryia's Home Page: There is poetry, links and also is where the art on the top of the Grimoire came from.
Omphalos: A great page that is trying to build as large a
listing of Pagan websites as possible
PagaNet News: "Your source for articles and forums on
Paganism, Wicca, herbalism, homeopathy, mythology, magick, sabbats, Pagan and secular
events, and much more!"
Witches' Voice- Boston Mass: a
source for pagan relevant news, articles, links, and outreach to the community.
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ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union: The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation's foremost advocate of individual rights -- litigating, legislating, and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom in the United States.
Burning Times On-Line Official Site: Our purpose is to stand up for the victims rights, expose the
witch hunts and unholy terrorism, Unite supporters and educate the facts
The Church of All Worlds: a.k.a CAW. Their mission is to evolve a network of information, mythology and experience that provides a context and stimulus for re-awakening Gaea, and re-uniting her children through tribal community dedicated to responsible stewardship and evolving consciousness. Home of The Green Egg magazine.
The Covenant of the Goddess: a.k.a CoG. An international organization of cooperating, autonomous Wiccan congregations and solo practitioners.
Brother David Eaglechild's Library of Wisdom-Guardins of Light, a spiritual order: Although this group is not directly affiliated with us and is more Christianized in its tone, it remains oriented toward Guardians as non-pagans might understand them. An interesting study.
E.L.F. Lore Family Inc.Homepage: Lothlorien, the "green havens for elfinfolk", is owned and operated by the Elf Lore Family, Inc., a non profit, open to the public membership organization. It is open to visitors and the alternative camping environment provides a perfect natural setting for regenerating spiritual retreats, folk festivals, and other wonder-filled events. A very earth friendly group.
Francesca De Grandis's 3rd Road: This is a tradition started by her that she calls a faerie tradition. She also has a great book out about the tradition.Some great information here.
Witches' League for Public Awareness- Salem, Mass.:The Witches' League for Public Awareness is a proactive educational network dedicated to correcting misinformation about Witches and Witchcraft. The work of the League springs from a shared vision of a world free from all religious persecution. The League was founded in Salem, Massachusetts, in May, 1986, by Rev. Laurie Cabot H.Ps.
people together:
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Maine Pagan Resource Page: This is a resource page for pagan's living in the state of Maine in the United States.
Correspondence courses:
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Crossroads Lyceum: "We are an all-correspondence Lyceum within the Fellowship of Isis (F.O.I.). As a contemporary mystery school, our home-study courses specialize in Priest/ess Training and F.O.I. Magi Degrees. We encourage members from all traditions to enroll in our Lyceum. Whether you are taking a few correspondence courses for your own self-growth, or are committed to training for the Priest/ess/hood; you are welcome." (Quoted directly from their web page-Shar)
Crystal Moon Lyceum: part of the Fellowship of Isis--offers a correspondence course
Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids: offers a correspondence course
Resources/on-line information:
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Dreampower: R.J. Stewart's Home Page. A well known author of Celtic and faerie books.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani Translated by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge. This is the whole thing online in HTML form. Although this is not a translation that everyone agrees with the fact remains that it is the most well known and therefore worth it for at least that reason.
The Encyclopedia Mythica: This is an encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, magic, and more. It contains over 4300 definitions of gods and goddesses, supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over the world. And more articles are added regularly!
Goddess Knotwork: Tie it all together: This page is filled with all kinds of great information on a huge amount of topics.
Livingtree Grove- Robin Wood: Where you can find some of the artwork used on our page. Also other pagan information
Pour Down Like Silver: "For the reflective soul...Pictish, Celtic Path, Futhark, Wicca." This site has a wonderful selection of booklistings, websites, files, advice for clergy and other things.
Riders of the Crystal Wind Book of Shadows: This is the "Big 'ol BOS" that people are familiar with from the AOL pagan download libraries. I have heard that it contains some fantastic information but I have not read it all so I can not give it a personal review. There is also an ftp for an ascii version here.
The Old Craft: "Welcome to the Old Craft, with Herbal Remedies
and Folk Medicine, Folklore and Folk Tales, from the old times".
White Knight Publishing: Bill Clark wrote a book entitled "Tribunal" that is available here, please take a look at it while you're there. This site offers readers the opportunity to see the works of writers that in general are not available elsewhere. Readers can download a substantial part of a book at no charge, and if they enjoy what they read, can download the rest for a modest fee.
Wicce's Tarot Collection: This site is the most complete listing of tarot decks I've ever seen. The owner of the page has critiqued and described each deck as well as included sample scans of the cards when possible.
The Witches' Brew: This page has a lot of pretty much everything. From sound bites to Book of Shadows. It takes a while to get through everything there but what I've seen is great.
Resources/places to buy things:
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Amulet Home and index page for Lionel Pepper: He is a craftsman goldsmith living on the edge of the New Forest with interests in symbolism, falconry and paganism. I liked this page as it both sold his wears and also has a fantastic write up on what the symbols he uses on his jewelry. So, though it's a sales page it's also got great information
Ancient Voices "New jewelry for the ancient minded.": Ancient VoicesŪ presents unique Fairy BottlesŪ, Goddess Stone Pendants and Celtic Knot Earrings, as well as, the ancient folklore of the stones. We invite you to click on any doorway to explore the many creations of Ancient VoicesŪ.
Aura Cacia: This is a great site to both buy and get fantastic information about herbs, aromatheropy etc.
Celestial Nymph Products: "Our fine quality handcrafted glycerin soaps are made from only the finest ingredients, contain no animal products, and are pure and kosher..." "These lucious lip balms are made from sweet almond oil, beeswax, honey, vitamin e and flavorings."
Earth Tones Studios Wiccan & Pagan Music Store and Recording Label : They have Pagan music as well as beginning to branch into other things like tools and such.
House of Isis: A store in a small town in Southern Illinois called Centralia that is in the process of going mail order.
Sacred Source Divine Images/JBL Ancient Images: The best prices on statuary from many pantheons. A great selection!
The Little Folk Magazine: "holistic fun for young children". A magazine made for Pagan children and their parents.
Just for the Fun of it:
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Contains crafting pages, clip art, programs, postcards, and other pagan things for everyday life.
ASTROSCAN: Alternative Astrology Software - Home Page: They have a program you can download that will do astrology for you, just enter in the important information.
Draconian Purity Test: 100 question test to determine your dragoness
Fantasyland Graphics: This site has a beautiful collection of pagan/fantasy type graphics for free use on webpages.
Make a Cartouche: Type in the word/phrase and it translates it into a cartouche for you where you can save it and use it anywhere.
The Pagan Census: "Why do a census? When I first started out on my path I felt very alone. As the years passed I met other pagans, wiccans, heathens and witches. I discovered that we shared that same sense of loneliness in our beginnings. It is my hope that others will find this website , and that it helps them to realize that they are one of many and perhaps it will encourage them to seek out others. Also I am curious, just how many of us are there? It would be interesting to find out. Who knows what the future will hold?"(Quoted from the web page)
Pagan Colouring Book: "This page contains a project called the Pagan Colouring Book. It is aimed especially at parents who would like some Pagan themed teaching materials. That is why most of the pictures have a writing exercises on them. There are 52 pictures here. They are designed to be printed straight out. They should fit on both A4 and Letter size paper."
Truetype fonts by Curtis Clark: A huge collection of fonts for use on your computer
Welcome to WWW.MERMAID.NET the Mermaid Supersite!: I wasn't sure where to put this so I put it here. This is *the* site for mermaid stuff. There's also a webring that starts here for mermaids. I love it!(SharTasha)