The Brain's Hobbies

My Hobbies Include:


Football - 3 yr starter in High School, member of State Finalist and State Championship teams.
Sand Volleyball - play 2 man competition with twin brother.
Golf- recently started, shoot about a 94 average.
Snow Skiing
Water Skiing

Intellectual Activities:

Reading - Classics
- Poetry
- Medical Suspense

Writing - Poetry
- Short Stories

Other Hobbies:

Virology - Mostly phyloviruses such as Ebola, Marbug, etc...
- Also other viruses such as Hantavirus


Civil War - Major battles such as Ft. Sumter, Antietam,
Gettysburg, etc... Also People and Documentation of the Era.

Medieval Era - knights, kings, swords, honor, chilvary, etc...

Greek Mythology - The gods and goddesses, Hercules, other
Heroes, also architecture and phylosophies.

This page is maintained by Dickie Gipson, for comments or questions e-mail The Brain.

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