My favorite female singer is Jewel. I really like here new song, "You Were Meant For Me". By clicking on the link above, you can go to a homepage I have dedicated to Jewel and her fans.
Favorite Male Singer
My favorite male singer is George Strait. George has been entertaining us for many years, and his new songs just keep getting better and better. By clicking on the link above, you can go to a homepage I have dedicated to George Strait and his many fans.
Favorite Groups
My favorite groups are:
No Doubt
Favorite Cartoon
My favorite cartoon is of course Pinky and The Brain!! But I also like the Good Feathers, Dilbert, and Marvin the Martian. Soon I will have pages dedicated to each of these Cartoon Characters.
Favorite Search Engines
These are the search engines I use when conducting searches. These links will take you directly to their sites. Happy surfing and searching!!!
Other Favorite Links
Here are a few other favorite links of mine. For great shareware programs, search the shareware database at ZD Net's Homepage.
For a free homepage, go to Geocities Homepage.
For a free anti-virus program, go to McAfee's Homepage.
More favorite's will be coming along as I update my homepage so stay tuned and Surf on!!!
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