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"Pinky are you pondering what I'm pondering?" "I think so Brain but balancing a family and a career, ooh it's all too much for me." "Promise me something Pinky, never breed." "Why Brain what are we gonna do tomorrow night?" "Guess!" "Ah yeah try to take over the world, right?" "Yes!" "I PLAN TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD."

Personal Information Civil War
Greek Mythology Medieval Era
Poetry Tornadoes
Hobbies Virology
Texas Tech University Suggested Readings
Coming Site Attractions Lightning
Physical Therapy Favorite Links

Note: These webpages were constructed with focus on Web Page Design. Therefore many of the webpages are graphic intensive and contain sound clips embedded into the backgrounds. This will cause a completion time of each homepage to be extended to 1-8 minutes. These sites are worth the wait but the decision up to you. Happy Surfing!!!

This page is maintained by Dickie L. Gipson, for comments or questions e-mail The Brain.

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