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Scott Baker - 09/07/00 15:02:43
My Email:pscottb@hotmal.com

very enjoyable and informative

Standing In Motion - 08/29/00 07:14:51
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ancientlives/home.html
My Email:QueenOfDestiny@altavista.com

Very impressed, especially with your Amarna section - SIM

Murrell Selden - 03/29/00 14:55:32
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/WallSt/pmc-jesusman/ugarit.html
My Email:murrellg@mediaone.net

Visit my new site on the Ugarit solar eclipse and the new date found: http://home.talkcity.com/WallSt/pmc-jesusman/ugarit.html

mike costa - 01/12/00 04:10:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/morsepone7
My Email:morsepone7@hotmail.com

About Tut(ankh)Amon's parents, my theory: It was Nefertiti & Nebmaatra, not Tiye. When Akhenaton was married to Nefertiti he was happy, but later (see tomb of Huy) he bestowed affections on his mother, Queen Tiye, which affected his relationship with Nefertiti. He had a daughter by her called Baketaton. When Nefertiti found this out she was angry, so he had relations with Akhenaton's father, King Nebmaatra Amonhotep 3, as revenge, producing Tut(ankh)aton ("Reflection of the Sun"). This angered Akhenaton so he divorced Nefertiti and "married" Smenkhare his brother -- which is what prompts some Egyptologists to speculate this was "Nefertiti"! I think Nefertiti had had enough and poisoned Akhenaton, allowing Smenkhare to rule. Records even state that Tutamon was the son of the pharaoh, Nebmaatra; but some Egyptologists told me that there was no word for grandfather in the ancient vocabulary, suggesting that Amonhotep 3 was not his biological father. Nebmaatra was old enough to be his father, according to most charts of lineage. I don't think a son of the heretic would betray his own father due to religion. So I agree with your theory in part. Tutamon was buried in Smenkhare's tomb, which had been plundered during his reign, which explains a few issues. Akhenaton may have had a medical phenomenon regarding his "mixed gender", that all his daughters produced only girls, like Nefertiti's sister whom married Horemhab, would suggest that he could not produce a son (physically). Maybe Akhenaton was not even male, or was transgendered? or transsexual? or XXY? (I am XYY, so I wondered about that too). So, genetically or physically or socially, Akhenaton could not be Tut's father. (c) 2000 MJ Costa, morsepone7@hotmail.com * you have a nice website * Jan 11, 2000... =)

David Kosalka - 11/23/99 23:46:24
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/8579/under.htm
My Email:pablo@creighton.edu

Great site, keep up the good work!

Micheal - 10/12/99 14:30:46
My URL:http://Community.Webtv.Net/Aten22/doc/
My Email:Aten22@Webtv.Net

Your Egyptian site is excellent!

maurizio re - 09/17/99 08:14:30
My URL:http://www.doit.it/egypt
My Email:maranzio@aleph.it

I liked your web site. I only need some more time to see it more deeply but i'll do. bye bye for now!!!

mario warnaar - 03/14/99 18:36:46
My URL:http://www.gironet.nl/home/warnaar/
My Email:mwarnaar@gironet.nl

Great site, love booth of them. I love Egypt also, I'm going on holiday this year to it again, it stole my heart. About WW II that was very interesting too, thanks to the VETS we live in a free Europe.

Katie - 03/11/99 02:07:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/1292
My Email:kzbrown@bellatlantic.net

Excellent!!!!!!enjoyed your pages on Ancient Egypt.This is also a favorite time in history for me too.Keep up the good work.I will be adding your link to my ancient Egypt page.

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