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Cool Sites
- The Marquis Studio
- When we got our very first computer and knew nothing about graphics or HTML, Mr. Paul Marquis kindly helped us get started. This site would not have been possible without his patience and help. It's really an honour for newbies like us to start on our journey following the footsteps of someone as talented as Mr. Marquis.
- Wallpaper Street
- Visit the Art Gallery and download beautiful photos.
- Billy Bear's Playground
- This is a wonderful site for kids! Lots of Cute Stuff! Great stories and pictures to color, as well as downloadable icons and bullets.
- Barry's Clip Art Server
- Clip Art Galore! Photos and Backgrounds, too, plus many links to other sites.
- Screen Themes
- Lots of screensavers and wallpaper.
- The Graphic Station
- There are literally hundreds of graphics for you to download at the Graphic Station. There are also music files and chat rooms for you to enjoy.
- Tons and tons of stuff to download. Many mirror sites to choose from in case it's busy. Fill up your disks with lots of goodies!
Create Your Own Web Site!
- HTML Tutorial
- Step by step lessons with lots of examples
- ZDNet
- Visit ZD Net where you can get the latest neat stuff. We just love the little HTML Font Colorizer.
- How to Use HTML3 by Scott Arpajian, Ziff-Davis Press,1996, $24.99 in US
- For those of you who have VCR and Microwave clocks that blink 12:00 because you couldn't figure out how to set them, this book is for you. Even if you haven't the slightest idea what HTML is, this book will guide you step by step until you are a web site wizard. It has lots of colorful diagrams and really funny examples.
- After a while, you'll find out that you don't need any HTML editors at all. You'll learn to do everything on NotePad or WordPad.
- Note: We have the book on HTML 3, but now there's a newer book by the same author. Check your library or bookstore for the latest edition.
- HTML Publishing Bible by Alan Simpson, IDG Books, 1996, $39.99 in US
- Here's a big, fat book to impress all your friends with. It's full of useful information, and it comes with a CD-ROM. You can also visit the author's website at Coolnerds for more advice, things to download, and links to other cool sites.
- Jargon: An Informal Dictionary of Computer Terms by Robin Williams with Steve Cummings, Peachpit Press, Inc., California, 1993, $22 in US, $31 in Canada
- Get this book to find out what all those computer terms mean. There's a helpful list of "Baudy Language" and abbreviations on pp. 56-57, so that you'll know what things like {{Spot}} and LOL mean. (Giving Spot a Hug and "Laughing Out Loud") There's even a picture of Clarus the Dogcow on p. 164.
- The New Hacker's Dictionary edited by Eric S. Raymond with assistance and illustrations by Guy L. Steele Jr., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1991.
- If you want to be a computer expert, you have to know what foo means.
Pet Links
- Genetic Savings and Clone
- Put some DNA in the bank just in case scientists figure our how to clone our pets.
- Animal Communicator
- Learn how to communicate telepathically with your pet.
- Kooikerhondje
- See some cute pictures of Nelli and her puppies.
- TuDogs
- Free clip art and web ware. Links to other sites.
- Llama Web
- Llama info and Llama games. Vote for your favorite baby llama picture.
Visit Hawaii on the Internet!
- Internet Island
- Hawaiian recipes, endangered species of Hawaii, learn a new Hawaiian word each week, find your Hawaiian name, and much more.
Other Stuff
- Geek: A Definition
- Are you a Geek or a Nerd?
- Tasty Insect Recipes
- Visit Iowa State University for some delicious Insect recipes. GROSS!!!
- Dr. Dennis Kunkel
- Please visit Dr. Dennis Kunkel at the University of Hawaii and see his fascinating photomicrographs of insects and other specimens. His photos, taken through an electron microscope, are beautiful works of art.
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- This is a really exciting site where you can learn about Quantum Mechanics and Elementary Particles. Be sure to take the Particle Physics Tour!
- Fun On the Web
- Many links to keep you amused whenever you have too much free time on your hands.
- Free Virtual Stuff
- Be sure to take the IQ and Personality Tests when you visit this site.
- Virtual Free Stuff
- Send e-mail greetings to all your friends!
Cyber Pets
- Neopets
- Adopt a Neopet of your very own.
- CyberLife Creatures
- The Creatures Labs website. Please also visit our Creatures Links page for more Creatures links.
- Lizzy's Dragon Shelter
- Adopt a Cyber-Dragon. You can choose a baby, child, teen, or adult. They are very cute!
- Adopt a Lonely Creature
- Many cute little creatures to adopt. Each has its own personality and unique likes and dislikes.
- (These are Lonely Creatures, not to be confused with CyberLife Creatures)
- PF Magic
- Visit PF Magic to get some Dogz, Catz, and Oddballz for your computer. This is one of our favorite sites! We love our Petz and Oddballz! Have you seen our "Petz and Oddballz in Hawaii" website on Benji's Home Page? Also take a look at our Oddballz Back to School pictures.
- Lady Shel
- We adopted our Cyber-Kitty from Lady Shel. Right now (Summer 1997) she is on vacation, but she will be back this Fall.
- The Mouse Pad
- Visit VikiMouse to adopt a mouse and get lots of cute graphics.
- Have you visited our poor little Orphan Mice? We got them from The Mouse Pad.