This site has been dedicated to the Islamic concept of the Awaited Saviourwho is alive and is awaited but due to the will of the God All Mighty is in a state of occulation from the eyes of the common man. He is the promisedMessiah who will rid the world from evil and establish justice all over the world.He will have under his command Jesus who will be His follower. The Messiah Mission will be to make Earth Paradise for both Human and Non human.
The name of His Holiness the Awaited Saviour is Imam Mahdi A.S, He is also known as Imam-e-Asr or the Master of the Age. He remains in occulation and willonly descend on the earth when God wants Him to do so.However the Awaited Saviour is in touch with the present situations of the World and also is throughly informed about eachand every second of time by the Power of the Lord of Mercy. Imam Mahdi A.S belongs to theHouse of the Prophet SAWS (Muhammed SAWS Prophet of Islam) and is the Deputy of Allah onthe Earth. He is the 12 th and the last Imam and is eagerly awaited by all those who are oppressed and want an end to Presecution and cruelty in the World.
Who and What of the Awaited Saviour? Ayatullah Baqir Al-Sadr