Muralee Thummarukudy's Page
PLEASE NOTE THAT I HAVE A NEW HOME ON THE WEB AT Muralees Page. Consequently, I am not updating this page anymore. Please follow the above link to visit my new page. I thank Geocities for hosting my page free for more than 12 years. Thank you
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Compiled Articles

Where I Studied

Other Programmes Attended

Welcome to my homepage.

I greatly value your visit. In fact your visit make the existence of this page meaningful .

I am currently working as Operations Manager for United Nations Environment Programme in Geneva at the Post Conflict Branch. However, this page is not about my work. This is about my life outside my work.

In 1995, I was working for Brunei Shell and it was the early days of internet. As a way of creating the corporate intranet page rapidly, Shell provided training to individuals in all departments and I was one of them. So while I was officially setting up the intranet homepage for my department, I practiced my skills by setting up a personl website.

1995-99 was also a period when I had lot of good friends who enjoyed a good debate. So in lonely nights with nothing else to do, I started putting down my thoughts on a range of topics to few of my good friends, who then copied to others and so on. Once the debate was over, I compiled the issues and opinions and put them on my website. So new entrants to the debate could actually see some of the past topics.

In 1999, I moved to Oman to take up anotehr job and my group collapsed. Gulf is a desert in ways more than one. There is very little intellectual activity there. Most people are busy making money and anything which does not contribute to it did not make sense. So I had to essentially put a stop on my writing, in the absence of audience. I did, however, pen an article or two occassionally. My old friends however complained about the fact that I did not write and also on the lack of focus on what I did write.

Life changed again in 2001, when Siddharth was born. It then took all my time and energy. I hoped to continue in 2002, but that did not happen either. I left PDO and moved to Geneva to join the Post Conflict Assessment Unit in Geneva. Life turned out to be much more challenging than what I anticipated. Situation at home, Siddharth's special needs, frequent travels to difficult places of the world on official assignment, all meant that I neither had the time nor the mood to put down thoughts. Experiences on the other hand was piling up by the day.

I had promised myself and my loyal friends to start updating this page soon. So when I had to stay back in Geneva in December 2006 to look after Babu who had chicken pox on the day I was supposed to travel to India, I told myself that this is the chance. So I took it.

What can you expect on this site ?

Obviously this page is about me,  but I will try not to make it I, me and myself. I will put down here my thoughts on a range of topics ranging from things close to me to things completely abstract.

Some of you may find my wriings to your liking. Please spare a minute to let me know. There is nothing more valuable than a word from an unknown person about my writing which inspires me to keep this site alive, in spite of the major challenges and tragedies in my life.

Some of you may find my writing not to your liking. Please spare a minue to let me know. There is nothing more useful to me than a clean message on where I am going wrong in conveying my messages to my audience.

I thank you for visiting me. Have a good day and please do come back.

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If you would like to have a look at what others have said, View Guestbook.

My place in this universe 

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