Welcome to the home of John Glenn's Instrumental Music Page
1999-2000 Instrumental Music Calendar
"Rocket" Marching Band 
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Symphony Orchestra
John Glenn Bands
Instrumental Music Boosters
Click HERE for the words to the John Glenn Fight Song
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Links to Music Resources

Instrumental Pages

Wood Winds
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Organization Pages
Bands Of America  Percussive Arts Society 
Winter Guard International  Drum Corps International 
University Music Pages
WMU School of Music.  Notre Dame Music Department 
Univ.of Michigan Music  Wayne State University 
Indiana Univ. School of Music  Bowling Green State University 
MSU School of Music  CMU School of Music 
EMU Music Department  Grand Valley State University 
Ohio State University  Oberlin Music Conservatory 
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Kroger, Farmer Jack's and MeijerCertificates

These certificates are like cash, you buy them from the instrumental music program and use them in the Store(s) to by your groceries or anything else you may need. They are a match, dollar for dollar and the Instrumental Music Department receives 5% return when they are used. This means we get $$$$$$$ when you go shopping! This is a Win -Win fund raiser. Everyone has to shop and when you shop you raise money for the Instrumental Music Department. To get your certificates call the John Glenn High School Instrumental music office at 595-2350 or visit Mail Boxes Etc. right next to Krogers on Ford Road, and ask for Meijers, Krogers, or Farmer Jacks Certificates. For questions regarding this Fundraiser or the Rocket Marching Band Web Page click below.

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