Atlantean Therapy


Beginner Horoscope - $5

A large, easy-to-read horoscope wheel, with guidelines showing you all of the planets, signs, houses, aspects involved in your horoscope. The beginner chart is recommended for those who wish to go beyond the commonly known characteristics & traits of each sign, yet do not want to get bogged down in all the technical and mathmatical elements required to study astrology. Included also is a guide sheet showing how you can create your own simplified interpretations of the horoscope.

Professional Horoscope - $15 (Professional astrolgers may have a batch order rate of 5 for $50)

For the profession who wants all the data on a chart right at their fingertips. Shows Sun, Moon, all planets and Moon's node positions in signs and houses complete with list of retrogrades, declinations, and positions of ascendant, Mid heaven, Vertex, Part of Fortune, Sun/Moon angle, and Equatorial Ascendant. All planets are accurate to within 1 second of arc for years 600 BC. to 2400 AD. You can choose any of the 10 most popular house systems, Meridian, Regiomontanus, Porphry, Equal, Morinus, Koch, Topocentric, Campanus, Placidus, or Solar. You may also choose between a Tropical or Sidereal zodiac, and a Geocentric (with earth in center) or Heliocentric (with Sun in center) chart. Moon's speed and quarter is also shown. A second page shows aspects for all planets, Moon's node, Ascendant, and Mid-heaven. A mid-point sort for all these points are included as well. All aspects are classified as applying or separating, if an named aspect is not present, the degree of angular separation is shown. Daily motion (number of degrees traveled in the last 24 hours) for each planet is listed, as well as an aspect summery. A third page includes all aspects pictured by individual box diagrams for each planet. (As many of you know, most computer print out charts have dozens of overlapping aspect lines all over each other when these are drawn in the center of a chart. Aspects for each planet can now be looked at individually at a glance, rather than having to sort them out). Available for individual charts, or choose any one of the four different relationship horoscope methods: Derived Angles, Relation, Composite Angles, or Dual chart wheel.

Monthly Transits - $25 per year

Lists movement of all planets across your horoscope giving dates and exact times each planet forms an aspect on your horoscope. Information sheet included shows how to use this information to work with your future tendencies. Please specify starting date.

Astro*Carto*Graphy or Local Space Maps - $20 each (with interpretation - $50)

Maps showing planetary influence lines intersected the earth at your time of birth. You may have felt, acted or were even treated differently in certain places - these maps give insight as to why. An excellent tool for searching WHERE the best place for love, business, or your next vacation. Description pages on how to interpret the maps are included, as well as my personal analysis.

Computer Searched Profile Descriptions - $30

Available for both INDIVIDUAL and COMPARISON horoscopes, these computer generated reports list all the tendencies of your behavior based on analysis of planet, sign, and house positions, as well as their aspects and relationships to one another. There reports are approximately 50 pages and recommended for entertainment or light interest (for while computer generated reports are indeed useful creating DESCRIPTIONS and listing TENDENCIES - such programs are NOT able to create solutions to problems, or offer guidance in a practical way).

Personal ANALYSIS (approx. 2-3 hour meeting or text) - $100

Personal Indepth analysis of personal situations, characters, and relationships

Problem Solving ANALYSIS - (PROGRAM) - $300

Creation of solution or solutions to your personal matter. Client needs to give a detailed personal history and maintain a program diary. Program lasts until problem is solved, or is good for guidance and assistance for up to one year.

Business ANALYSIS - negociable

Indepth analysis of market, company, and product trends, as well as negociation, employee & public relation guidance.

Important Note: In ANALYSIS, ALL materials - such as horoscopes, A*C*G maps, and transits are FREE of charge.

Payment may be made by mailing a check to:

David Perkins

ul. Wyzwolenia 68 / 34

71 – 506 Szczecin

or make deposit into any Merrill Lynch branch office into account #723 13 R 83

Sorry that I am at the moment not set up to take credit cards….

Please contact me should you have any questions about any of the services or form of payment

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