- HOROSCOPE OF SOCRATES: horoscope chart of the man who helped shaped thinking for the western world
- "STAR" OF BETHLEHEM: showing planet positions as well as insightful celestial and political events during the birth of Jesus
- NOSTRADAMUS: descriptions and actual forecasts of the most famous astrologer and "seer" in modern history
- ASTROLOGY & the THIRD REICH: did Hitler use astrology and "black magic" in his rise to power and war effort?
- RELIGION through the ASTROLIGICAL AGES:describing the various trends and evolution of religious thought through each of the 2,000 year astrological ages. Starting with the Age of Leo (cir. 10,000 B.C.), and including pre-historic and historical details up to the present age of Pisces (cir 1 A.D. to the year 2,000) and beyond to the age of Aquarius......
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