Hospital Ship International(HSI) ALBUM - Part I Historical:

(HSI) ALBUM - Part II Contemporary:(see below)[UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

A wood engraving by "Manchon"(sp) signed lower right corner from an original drawing by "T.R."(initials lower left corner) depicting the embarkation of wounded Carlists from the port of Santurce during the Carlist War in Spain,1868-1876 in the English hospital ship "SOMORROSTRO". [Reproduced from: Serrano,D.Nicolas Maria and Pardo,Don Melchor "Anales De La Guerra Civil (Espana Desde 1868 A 1876)" Madrid: Astort Hermanos,Editores 1876 Tomo(Volume)II,facing page 488]
One of the earliest illustrations of a hospital ship under the protection of the Red Cross depicting a coastal ambulance transport of wounded Carlists during 1872.