SCA specific links that may be useful

These are links to other SCA scribal pages, heraldry and awards.
If you contact me I will be more than happy to add any I have missed.
- Virtual Known World Scriptorium Still under construction. A little information and lots of potential. Keep an eye on this one, or even better....lend a hand.
- Barony of Caerthe, Outlands- scribal page Another scribal homepage. Answers the burning question...So,what is Caerthe and why does it have scribes?
- Calontir Scribal Examples Graphics of seven more SCA specific award scrolls.
- West Kingdom Scribes' Handbook. One of the few Kingdom scribal handbooks on line. Everything you need to know about being a scribe in the West Kingdom.
- Lochac College of Scribes. Very nice site from the Principality of Lochac, West Kingdom. Includes a section of good articles by and for scribes.
- Shire of the Seven Deans calligraphy and illumination page. A couple of nice scribal examples from Drachenwald. With a promise to add more in the future.
- Windmaster's Hill Baronial Scriptorium Contains suggested wordings for their Baronial scrolls that can be changed to fit most any award. Has a nice reading and resource list. Another page that promises scroll images in the future.
- A Primer in Calligraphy and IlluminationA short primer in the arts of Calligraphy and Illumination for those who are interested in learning how to make scrolls.There are lots of good calligraphy tips here (which are hard to find online) and several very nice examples of illuminations.
- Baron Morgan's Home Page A Scribal Resource and Philosophy Page by Baron Morgan de Villarquemada, Deputy for the Tyger Clerk of the Signet of the East Kingdom.
- Meridian College of Scribes HomePage This page contains official information such as the charter and by-laws for scribes in the Kingdom of Meridies, an enrollment form which tells what information is needed to get on the scribal roles, and a nice section of links to other pages.
- On Illuminated Manuscripts A site dedicated to the creation and study of illuminated manuscripts. Contains a wonderful section of *how to* articles and many interesting links.
- The Gutenberg School of Scribes This site contains lessons for beginner scribes on how to illuminate pre-printed SCA scrolls. There is information on how to order these specific pre-prints and instructions on how to paint many objects and details commonly found in medieval manuscripts.
- Midrealm College of Scribes This site is a reference point for the scribes of the Middle Kingdom. It contains contact information, portfolios and much more
- AEthelmearc College of Scribes Who to contact and how to get started in the scribal arts in AEthelmearc. Also contains exerpts of Kingdom law where it applies to scribes.
- Ealdormere Scribal WebsiteWonerfully easy to navigate page with lots of good information... contacts, wordings, and things for scribes to do.
The awards of all the kingdoms. New to the SCA? Perhaps curious about awards of other areas? Check out this great site maintained by Mistress Jessa d'Avondale.
SCA Heraldry page. A great place to go if you are heraldically challenged. Also links to search the SCA Armorial. Really helpful if you need information about registered names and devices.