A Scribal Challenge
Complete as many of these tasks as you can this year. Each time you do one, jot down a sentence or two about it (who, what, when, where, as appropriate). The goal for everyone who participates is to grow as a scribe. If at the end of the year you can honestly say you have achieved your goal, reward yourself. Perhaps you could get together with other scribes in your area and challenge each other.
These are not listed in any particular order.
Choose as many as you want, do them when you want.
- Go to a museum or exhibit to see the *real* thing on display.
- Write a paragraph about a piece you saw that made you say, "Wow!"
What the style is. When and where it is from. How would you describe it in line, color, etc...?
- Teach someone something scribal.
- Write a paragraph about the teaching experience. Rather than analyze how the student did, describe how it felt to be the teacher. What went well...what could have gone better. How would you do it differently next time?
- Take a scribal class.
- Produce a piece or a paragraph based upon that class.
- Enter one competition or display. Don't forget the documentation of your piece.
- What feedback, if any, did you receive? Were there any other scrolls entered? Describe what it was like to see your work next to others.
- In a letter, compliment a scribe whose work you admire.
- Be specific when you tell them what you like about his / her work. Use this as a learning opportunity. Ask questions about techniques, materials, work habits, or something else you're curious about.
- Foster a new scribe.
- Keep a diary, short and sweet, about the process. (It's surprising how much you can learn from your own teachings/fosterings when you jot down a couple of lines each time you work together. Sometime later, reread it.)
- Show a scribe (not from your local area) your portfolio.
- Ask the non-local scribe to jot down a critique on your work. From your discussion, list 2 or 3 areas for improvement and 2 or 3 things that you do well.
- Try a new style.
- Include a mini-piece or photo of the new style.
- Borrow or buy a scribal book on a style you've never done before.
- Write a synopsis of the book, recommending (or not) the book to other scribes or scribal wanna-be's.
- Experiment with a new tool or material you've never tried before.
- Include a sample or photo. Write a short paragraph on the ease or difficulties encountered, so others may learn from your experience.
- Finish a project you started before this year.
- Include a photo or written description of the project.
- Do a blank border.
- Give it to the Royalty to be used as a scroll.
- Set up a scribal display or demonstrate the scribal arts at a local demo.
- Write a paragraph describing the display or demo. What books or materials did you use? What did you do? What questions did the public ask? What would you do differently next time?
- Attend a collegium, university or academy.
- What classes did you attend? Which class was the most beneficial?
- Bonus: Make something for yourself!
- Include a photo or written description of the project.
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