Willow's Pagan Place

"By Oak and Ash and Holy Thorn,
Blessed be the Day you were Born."

This Web site is always changing and evolving.
Bookmark it and visit it often.

Blessed Be!!! 

Guestbook on Page 2

Page 2 Guestbook

Page 3 Invokations

Page 4 Wheel of the Year

Page 5 - Activist Corner

Click above for details on cyber-censorship...

The Wiccan Rede

Byde the Wiccan Rede you must In Perfect Love and Trust Eight words the Wiccan Law Fufill An it harm none, do as ye will Except in thine own defense it be Ever mind the Rule of Three Follow this with mind and heart And merry meet and merry part

"If Witches are so evil, Why do we..."

Why do we want a world without war? Why do we want a world devoid
of poverty? Why do we want a world where no one goes hungry?
Why do we want a world free of crime? Why do we want a world
without racism? Why do we want a world where everyone has a home?
Why do we want a world where the water, ground, and
air are clean and pollution free? Why do we want alternative, clean, and
renewable energy sources such as Solar and Wind power. Why do we recycle?
Why do we support religious tolerance and freedom? Why do we
support world wide human rights? Why do we want a Perfect Love
and Perfect Trust world? Is it perhaps because
we are not evil? Blessed Be.

A Creation Myth

Before the Universe was, there was the Goddess and the God They made love, and thier orgasm caused the BIG BANG Thus, the Goddess gave birth to the universe.

Other Pagan Web Sites

Other Witch Sites on the Web

The Green Pages

Reclaiming Collective

Grandmother Spider's Spirit Web

Pagan Best of the Web

Circle Sanctuary

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children  

  Resources for battered women

"Domestic Violence is not okay anymore..."

Lifeline - Support for battered Women

Battered Women's Alternatives Home Page

The National Organization for Women ( NOW ) Home Page

  Willow - Web Meister.....

A Coven is forming in Eastern Oregon

Email me for comments & suggestions...


Gaia - Spirit of Earth

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