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Mikayla - our new wee baby"My auntie knitted me this!"

Status and Progress

1 year...

Mikayla is now running trough the house, crawling down and up the stairs to the garage, and still as cute as ever. 

She was so excited when every-one sang happy birthday to her on her birthday. Because she had got to unrap alot of presents, when we played pass the parcell she got a bit frustrated when she had to pass the parcel on. 

Mikayla on her 1st birthday!


Six months...

Doing very well, not quite crawling - but very close. Cute at 6 months!

She was baptised on the Sunday after Easter, the 22nd of April, at just a week short of 6 month old. 
A very nice day, and everyone came round for a potluck lunch afterwood - inculing Father Jim from St Joseph's.

Looking cool at Dobson skifield

Four Months

Starting solids after she started waking hungry in the night. Took to them well. 

She's very robust and alert, and grabs things fairly well now - just started to do this with faces, so fingernail trimming is now essential. BAPTISED: Karen and Yvonne becoming godmothers. Father Jim presiding

At two weeks

Well, she fusses about, but goes down by 10:30pm. Generally has a 30-40min feed at 2-3pm them sleeps through til 5-6am. So, one feed per night basically, which is pretty good as babies go.

She's always been very bright-eyed and alert, and can now control here head quite well. Likes being on the mat on her tum, and raises her head up well from there.

Probably a while before she starts to walk tho...

At birth

Mikayla weighed 8lb 11oz at birth. (I know it said something different in the paper, but that was because we calculated from 3905g instead of 3950g!)

Labour and birth

Emma had contractions all through Thursday. John was home sick - after getting his head banged up at school the day before. After tea and Shortland Street we packed up all the stuff and went over the hill to Mum and Dad's. Stayed there having cups of tea for a few hours, tucked the kids in and said they'd probably have a baby brother or sister by breakfast.

Hooked up the "T.E.N.S" machine; that worked pretty well, which was pleasing.

Must have been about midnight that we went off to "Women's" (Christchurch Women's Hospital). Chugged through most of the night with pretty good contractions and just the T.E.N.S machine. Into a bit of gas in the morning though. Did the "transition" thing about 8:30am, then it was PUSH and PUSH - not so much fun for Emma, as it became apparant that not much was happening. After about two hours of this (without gas now) and no progress they went looking for specailists - especially as there was meconiom (?) in the waters. The specialist was Joy, a very cheerful Englishwoman. Decision made to go to theatre for a spinal block, and then whatever it took - up to and including a "Caeser".

Lots of fussing about then, as they found a team of anathisttists (?) and others, and thay came in and explained everything - getting consent in the midst of contractions was interesting.

I got kitted up in gown, and silly hat and booties and off we all went - 11 professionals in theatre and more computerised widgets and gadgets than you'd see on "ER".

Great team though, all very friendly - I think every one of them must have personally introduced themselves!

After all that things went fairly straightfoward, with a Ventiuse (sp?) delivery - essentially a large rubber suction cap on the baby's head!

No damage to Mum or baby... an 8lb 11oz girl born at about 11:30am Friday the 27th of October 2000. Off to St George's later that night, and home after 3 nights of luxury there.


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