taooat 's Home Page

philosophy should start with metaphysics

and end with morality

(c) 1996 Kitty Roach

so that one's actions would not often collide with nature in its complete, absolute state; not if godhood or even survival are on the conscious agenda. simply put, if i don't know who or what i am, where i am, or how it became possible or necessary that i am period, how am i suppose to "know" what i'm suppose to do?

of course religion provides relief there, except that my faith was too simplistic for publication. faith for some philosophers is the firm belief that the quest for truth is either logical, honorable, or both.

but in reality as i have found it, who i was, am, and supposed to be can only be answered by metaphysical questions. Here is a brief synopses of a metaphysical view of mine:

with logical proofs in absentia for the moment, suffice it to say i believe i exist where "i" means the same as "other" things which all mean nothing but are a small part of the tao. with this axiom as my guide i freely fantasized about how such heights of flashing, growing, razing forces upon an infinite horizon could dare to perish, let alone exist.

my primary observation is that this doesn’t seem very peaceful or even stable even though all seems capable of returning to such a state. i can imagine an existence better, worse, and incomparable to the one i have. if i can imagine it, i'm sure the infinite source, the tao, has invented it . . . or has it?

my thought conclusive to this observation is that the infinite is just that: infinite. as an infinite source the tao cannot experience pain or pleasure, it cannot grasp good and evil, in fact, i don't believe that infinity is capable of any kind of duality; it's only possible for things that die to know what it's like to live.

with this thought i spawned my belief that the tao cannot, as infinite source, know itself. the tao cannot judge itself or anything else since there is nothing else. with this natural obstacle, the tao must separate from itself; step back and look upon itself piece by piece, in an unconscious or random way. the tao must become a small part of itself in order to understand relational existence. the tao cannot lean upon faith in a higher source; the tao must look to itself to answer the only question an infinite source would have need to ask:

why is the tao?



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