Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about our free web sites: The Gospel Way, Free Bible Study Courses, etc.

Who sponsors your web sites, are you affiliated with a denomination, and what do you believe?

See our summary of beliefs.

Can I receive your materials by regular mail?

As a general rule our policy is that we send out materials only online and by email. Regular mail is comparatively expensive and time consuming.

Since we live in northern Illinois (near Wisconsin), we do make exceptions for people who live in Illinois and Wisconsin. However, our general rule is to send materials only online and by email. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

We are sorry if this inconveniences you, but we operate on a "shoestring" budget. We hope you understand.

Can you send us copies of your materials so we can distribute them to others?

Unfortunately, for financial reasons, we are unable to send out free copies of our materials for distribution. If you know people who have access to the Internet, we would gladly have them take our online courses or email us and we will send them materials by email.

We do not offer our free courses with the intent of making money or even receiving contributions. However, for those who are really interested, some of our materials are available for sale in quantity. See our Light to My Path web site for more information.

We always wish we could do more, but we hope these alternatives will be helpful.

Do you offer a certificate of completion for your courses?

For financial and other reasons we do not provide our students with any kind of formal certificate when they complete one of our free online courses. The letter sent with your last lesson will, however, plainly state that you have completed the course.

We hope your studies will benefit you from learning more of God's will. The truth can make us free from sin (John 8:31-34). We hope that will be reward enough for continuing to study it.

Do you have free advanced courses available?

We do have a free advanced course available by regular mail. However, we ask that all students complete all of the courses on our web site, either online or by e-mail, before moving on to our advanced regular mail course. More information about the advanced course is available when students have completed all online courses.

When I print out your lessons, my color printer prints the background color. This wastes ink and is expensive. What can I do?

Most browsers have a fix for this problem. If you look through your options or preferences you should have an option that tells the printer not to print the background at all. If you select this option, the background color should not print.

Can you provide me with a free Bible?

Unfortunately, for financial reasons we are not in a position to give away free Bibles. Inexpensive Bibles can be obtained at most large department stores (KMart, Walmart, etc.). They are generally available for less than the cost of a month's online service. Students might be able to obtain a Bible from a local church in their area.

We are sorry we can not be of more help in this area. However, we encourage our students to visit our web site and study the materials we have listed there for free.

Can we make a financial contribution to help with your work?

We consistently advertise the materials on our Gospel Way and Free Bible Study Courses web sites as being "free," and we sincerely mean that in every way. We neither solicit nor accept funds for the courses on these sites. We have no desire whatever to be offensive in this. We just believe this is the best way for us to demonstrate our sincere commitment to helping people learn the truth without charge. We feel abundantly rewarded because we have been able to help souls learn the truth.

There are, however, some things our students can do to help in the work. (1) Students can continue to study the other course materials we offer. (2) Students can tell their friends and loved ones about our courses and encourage them to participate. This would help us accomplish even more good by our work.

(Please note that not all of our sites offer materials for "free." In those cases, we specifically state what price we charge for our materials.)


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Home Bible Study CoursesVisit our site with free Home Bible Study Courses
Gospel WayVisit the Gospel Way, a site with many free Bible study articles
Internet Bible AcademyVisit our site with inexpensive courses for home study
Round Lake churchVisit the site of the church of Christ in Round Lake, Illinois
Request FormSee our Request Form for more information

841 Hillandale Dr.
Antioch, IL 60002

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