Home Bible Study Courses

Free Bible study courses and instruction in the Scriptures, online or by correspondence.

Learn the true teaching of Jesus Christ about Christian doctrine, forgiveness of sins, eternal life, worship, the church, and the meaning and purpose of life.

Home Bible Study Courses - Free Bible study courses and instruction in the Scriptures, online or by correspondence.

These free courses focus entirely on the Bible. We encourage you to study each lesson, looking up the passages in your  own Bible. Each lesson includes questions with simple instructions showing how to submit your answers. If you prefer to study these lessons by e-mail, see our request form at the bottom of this page.

Please Remember To Put Us in Your Bookmark or Favorites List So You Can Find Us To Complete Subsequent Lessons.

Please take the courses in order as listed below.
Select the course you would like to study:

Jesus the Way#1: Jesus the Way

Gospel of mark#2: Gospel of Mark
(New Course)

Jesus Is Lord#3: Jesus Is Lord
(New Course)

10-Lesson Courses#4: 10-Lesson Course
(Formerly called "Intermediate Course")

To enroll in one of the above courses by e-mail, or to receive other free Bible study materials, see our Request Form below.

Request FormSee our Request Form for more information
Gospel Way SiteVisit a Bible site with many important articles

Northeastern IllinoisVisit our site for people who live in northeastern Illinois
or plan to visit there soon.

These courses provided by:
841 Hillandale Drive, Antioch, IL 60002
Questions? Please see our
FAQ or e-mail courses@gospelway.com

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