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Mailing List
coordinated by
Juan Carlos Garelli, M.D., Ph. D.
Aldous Huxley
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HUXLEY-L John Smith
- His most outstanding novels
- Point Counterpoint
- After many a Summer Dies the Swan
- Antic Hay
- Ape and Essence
- Crome Yellow
- Eyeless in Gaza
- Those Barren Leaves
- The Genius and the Goddess
- Time Must Have a Stop
- Aldous Huxley, a highbrow?
- Brave New World, sience fiction or deep insight
into XX century trends?
- Cloning not enough but necessary to do without
a mother
- Aldous Huxley and the Theory of Attachment
- Brave New World and Detachment
- Brave New World, a manic, frivolous, world
- Brave New World and Developmental Biology
- Darwin and Huxley
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The contents of this page are copyright
of Juan Carlos Garelli, 1996, 1997 all rights reserved.