james (coops) cooper - 11/01/99 23:27:23
My Email:james_cooper@wiscasset.k12.me.us
Favorite Book: Les Misérables
Favorite Writer: no pref
Who would win in a fight between Moosecreek or me?: i dunno, you got tall
What are your views on World Peice?: almost impossible to attain
What is your pets name?: wolf
Is spiffy a good word?: indeed
Moosecreek's a close personal pal-o-mine. He has many in depth opinions and well thought views on any given issue...a good guy to discuss stuff with.
Moriah - 10/19/99 00:47:44
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/westwood/chisel/96/main.html
My Email:nerillka@yahoo.com
Favorite Book: ummm...don't really have one...I like all books
Favorite Writer: umm......anything and everything
Who would win in a fight between Moosecreek or me?: Moosecreek
What are your views on World Peice?: world peice? (looks for some wierd innuendo...)
What is your pets name?: Komodo and Bowie
Is spiffy a good word?: yea
Nice page....I like it. Visit mine and tell me what you think.
Miranda Rigby - 10/03/99 03:13:54
My Email:you should know ;)
Favorite Book: Alice in Wonderland
Favorite Writer: Steven King (pretty different, eh?)
Who would win in a fight between Moosecreek or me?: like moosecreek, duh!
What are your views on World Peice?: nice spelling but it' totally cool!
What is your pets name?: Needjee (my friend)
Is spiffy a good word?: no idea!
pretty good! I'd wonder why you made this page. Bored? probably! :-) I am too! cya then Moosecreek
Kevin Sukeforth - 02/15/99 20:54:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/eag
My Email:nimrod@maine.rr.com
Favorite Book: Can't remember the name. It's a book about Nazi Spies.
Favorite Writer: Manley Frost
Who would win in a fight between Moosecreek or me?: MooseCreek
What are your views on World Peice?: Not Gonna Happen
What is your pets name?: Sulley. (i didn't name him. i just call him Beast)
Is spiffy a good word?: yeah!
Hey Gar.....eh...Moosecreek, nice site! I bet you did all the work. i'll put your link on my site.
simba - 02/11/99 22:24:34
Favorite Book: wouldn't you like to know?
Favorite Writer: agatha christie
Who would win in a fight between Moosecreek or me?: me
What are your views on World Peice?: you spelled piece wrong
What is your pets name?: i think you know that
Is spiffy a good word?: no
only 242 visitors in one year? come on thats a joke!
10/26/98 10:33:57
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Cindy - 09/25/98 05:37:41 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Angel47 - 05/02/98 16:41:47
Favorite Book: Too many to name!
Favorite Writer: Too many to name!
Who would win in a fight between Moosecreek or me?: Beats me!
What are your views on World Peice?: Elusive
What is your pets name?: Tasha Yar and Prissy
Is spiffy a good word?: Spiffy is spiffy!
Garret Schneider - 03/25/98 17:40:33
My Email:schneider@wiscasset.net
Favorite Book: Fantastic Voyage
Favorite Writer: Robert Jordan
Who would win in a fight between Moosecreek or me?: Mornelith
What are your views on World Peice?: Peice?
What is your pets name?: Geronimo
Is spiffy a good word?: yes
Wonderful page. But it is missing something.... Maybe the end of the ) on the quotes section... :>)