BOOK 2  The Joy of Teaching  SECTION 8:




Below are some ideas for a skit called "positive-negative". Choose a friend and, after each learning a part, either "positive" or "negative", perform the skit before the group. Do not be content with these few examples, but consult and write some other situations to include in your skit:



I'm a Baha'i, and it brings me the greatest happiness to share Baha'u'llah's Message with others. Every time I teach the Faith, my heart overflows with joy.



I'm a Baha'i and truly like to teach. But, oh! What a pain! I have to get up so early to go to the village where the committee has asked me to teach.



Teaching children is important and something I very much like to do. The children in the villages I visit are very special and I consider them to be among my best friends.



Teaching children is very important, but it seems to me an impossible task. Today's children behave poorly and nobody can stand to be around them.



I have a weekly children's class that is going very well. Of course, my children are not angels. Sometimes there are problems, and I have trouble teaching them. But by following the counsels of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'1-Baha, and with love and patience, everything works out. What joy to see the progress these children have made in the year I have been teaching them.



Well, one of the things I have to do is to teach children. But they don't respond. I started with a class of thirty, and it soon became twenty. Now only five come. And what are these few going to learn from the classes I teach every now and then whenever I feel like it.?



The other day I went to visit a Baha'i family to give them their news bulletin. They weren't home, but I met a relative of theirs I did not know before. I took advantage of the opportunity and taught him the Faith. He accepted.



The other day I went to visit a Baha'i family to give them their news bulletin. One of their relatives, whom I had never met before, told me they were not at home. I was disappointed and left.



In this region it is a bit difficult to get people td-meet regularly. But, with perseverance, you can. A year ago we started a deepening class in my community on Wednesday evenings. At the beginning two people came. But we didn't get discouraged. We never had negative thoughts about those who did not attend. We continued visiting the friends and sharing with them what we had studied at the meetings. During the last few months, ten Baha'is have been coming to the class regularly, and the number is still growing.



Look, people don't come to meetings! They don't meet! They just don't meet!


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