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BOOK 2  The Joy of Teaching  SECTION 4:

Word of God





Having recognized Baha'u'llah's greatness and being conscious of our nearness to the ocean of His Revelation in the depths of which lie invaluable pearls, we fill our souls with the spirit of faith and share these pearls of divine guidance with others, pearls that we continually discover in our own study, prayer and meditation. In doing so, we use the power of His own Word. It is important, then, that we meditate deeply on the power of the Word of God and its effect on the human heart. The following quotation of Baha'u'llah will help us to appreciate this great power:

"The Word of God may be likened unto a sapling, whose roots have been implanted in the hearts of men. It is incumbent upon you to foster its growth through the living waters of wisdom, of sanctified and holy words, so that its root may become firmly fixed and its branches may spread out as high as the heavens and beyond."



To what may the Word of God be compared?



 Where have the roots of the tree of the Word of God been planted?



 How should we foster the growth of this tree?



 Mention some of the qualities we will show forth when the Word of God is firmly established in our hearts.



 What does the phrase "its branches may spread out as high as the heavens and beyond" mean?



Explain in a few sentences why sharing the Word of God is of the utmost importance.

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