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Humanity's coming of age





Humanity's coming of age is the subject of the next passage you will study:

From the beginning to the end of its life, every living thing in this world passes through different stages. Each stage has its own conditions and presents its own requirements. In the life of the human being, the conditions and requirements of infancy, of childhood, of adolescence, of youth and maturity are not the same. Each Stage prepares us for the next, sharpening our faculties and training our intelligence.

Similarly there are periods and stages in the life of humanity as a whole. Humanity is now leaving behind its childhood and entering the long-awaited period of maturity. That which could meet the needs of its early history does not satisfy the demands of this day. The playthings of infancy and childhood no longer satisfy the adult mind.

From every standpoint the world of humanity is undergoing revolutionary change, whether in government or law, in science or industry. Old standards of ethics, moral codes and methods of living in the past are not adequate for the present age of advancement and progress.

This is the time of maturity and reformation in religion as well. Bigotry and dogmatic imitations of ancient beliefs have become the source of animosity. They must pass and give way to heavenly teachings which have been revealed for the advancement of humanity in this age. This reformation and renewal of the fundamental reality of religion constitute the true spirit of modernism, the unmistakable light of the world, and the divine remedy for all the ills of humanity.



To help you learn the ideas presented in this passage well, you should, as always, read it several times in your group and ask one another questions, the answers to which are found in the passage itself.


Below is a list of topics of conversation. Mark the ones into which you could introduce the above ideas in a natural way, and discuss in your group how you would go about doing this.

____ History
____ Modem literature
____ Humanity's future
____ Social unrest in today's world


 What would you answer if someone asked you the following question: "How do we know that humanity is reaching the stage of maturity?"



You may wish to memorize the following words of Baha'u'llah:

"Every age hath its own problem, and every soul its particular aspiration. The remedy the world needeth in its present-day afflictions can never be the same as that which a subsequent age may require." "

"Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in, and center your deliberations on its exigencies and requirements." "

"A new life is, in this age, stirring within all the peoples of the earth; and yet none hath discovered its cause or perceived its motive."

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