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Life of Baha'u'llah





At times, you will need to speak briefly about Baha'u'llah's life and Mission; the following passage will assist you in doing so:

About 150 years ago, Baha'u'llah appeared in Persia and devoted Himself to the upliftment and education of the people. He proclaimed the oneness of the world of humanity and taught that all are created and nourished by the one loving and merciful God. He promoted principles such as the equality of men and women, the abolition of prejudices, the agreement between science and religion, and the need for universal education.

The kings of the East and the priesthood of Persia arose against Him, for they did not find their personal interests advanced by His Teachings. He was persecuted, mocked and put in chains. In Persia, His properties and possessions were taken away. First, there was banishment from Persia to Baghdad, then to Constantinople,
then to Adrianople, finally to the prison-fortress of 'Akka.

Throughout all these ordeals, He was cheerful. His enemies made every effort to lessen His greatness, but His fame grew day by day. Surrounded by enemies. He did nothing to protect Himself; on the contrary, in His spiritual might and power He was at all times visible before the faces of men.

During His lifetime He was intensely active. His energy was unlimited. Scarcely one right was passed in restful sleep. He suffered in order that selflessness and service should be made manifest in the world of humanity, that the Most Great Peace should be established, that human faith should be strengthened, that the human mind might
be developed to its fullest capacity, and that man might become the reflection and likeness of God. Baha'u'llah was truly a Manifestation of God and a Universal Educator of humanity.



As always, read the passage several times in your group, paragraph by paragraph, and ask one another questions until you learn the content well and can present it in your own words.



In the list of topics of conversation below, mark those which you feel are most suitable for the introduction of a short account of Baha'u'llah's life. Discuss in your group how you would introduce this subject into the conversation.

___ Human rights
___ The lack of justice in the world today
____ The situation in the Middle East
____ Great figures in history


 How would you respond if someone asked you the following question: "Why do we need Baha'u'llah, when we already have the Teachings of the Manifestations that came before Him?"



It is suggested that you memorize the following passages so that you can quote them when you speak of Baha'u'llah:

"The Eternal Truth is now come. He hath lifted up the Ensign of Power, and is now shedding upon the world the unclouded splendor of His Revelation."

"He it is Who is the Manifestation of Him Who is the Unknowable, the Invisible of the Invisibles, could ye but perceive it."

"This is the Day whereon the All-Merciful hath come down in the clouds of knowledge, clothed with manifest sovereignty."

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