Transport 2000-Atlantic

Hello, and welcome. My name is Wayne Hines. I'm a radio news editor and reader in Nova Scotia's beautiful Annapolis Valley. I have an interest in a number of things, including trains and transportation. I am a member of a group called Transport 2000-Atlantic, and have set up this page so more people can access information about the group.

Although often seen as a "railroad" supporter, Transport 2000-Atlantic is concerned with all types of passenger transportation. We sometimes concern ourselves with freight transport, where that has an impact on passenger travel. Examples would be railway branchline abandonments which would affect passenger trains, and ferry services that involve truck traffic as well as passenger cars and buses.

Our group has an executive and board of directors and publishes a Bulletin which contains articles about transportation issues and group activities.
The following Bulletin's are available:
September, 1997
December, 1997
The December issue is also available in zipped format. Just download, unzip and read with your browser.

This editorial is a good reflection of Transport 2000 policy.

One of our most recent publications is The Highway ABCs for Taxpayers. This publications contains some facts you may find surprising and it's bound to start you thinking.

If you would like more information, or have comments to make, e-mail our president, John Pearce:

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