San Francisco Lodge #139 F.&A.M.
"Where the warm hand of friendship is always extended."
Brotherhood Masonic Temple, 855 Brotherhood Way, San Francisco, CA 94132
Reservations required for all dinners and special events; please call 1-800-641-7112.
Harry Lee, Master Miguel A. Cheng, P.M., Senior Warden Robert Lam, Junior Warden Dr. Henry C. Albert, Jr., P.M., Treasurer Kenneth G. Martensen, P.M., Secretary Walter Harlow, P.M., Chaplain OFFICER'S COACH Gino S. Columbana, P.M. Rush Manbert, P.M. (Assistant Officer's Coach) INSPECTOR OF THE 161st MASONIC DISTRICT Dr. Derek F. Greensides, P.M.
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