No Karoake for Mainland Journalists covering handover..

Over 600 journalists from China came to Hong Kong around the time ofHandover. Before they began working in Hong Kong, Communist CentralPropaganda Department told the journalists "6 Dos and 6 Don'ts." Translation from the Hong Kong Apple Daily, 1/7/97.


Strictly follow unified arrangements for reporting;

Spontaneously abide by the laws of Hong Kong;

Report back immediately to the organisation wht is seen and seek directions;

Outdoor activities should be in groups;

Prepare daily reports and summaries;

Spontaneously defend the reputation of China and ot its journalists


Express political opinions without permission;

Release news to the outside before it is inspected;

Report on opposing communities or their media;

Contact institutions with unknown identities or with anti PRC positions;

Visit night clubs, Karoake bars or entertainment facilities of that sort.

Alan Knight