August 26, 1887
Don't prate about our cyclones, our blizzards, and our storms;
Don't weary us with chestnuts on the way the wind performs;
These years were long ago called in - it's time we had our due -
It's time to drop these fairy tales and give us something new.
Come out and get acquainted ; don't stay at home and pout;
We only ask inspection to remove all honest doubt;
We have cattle by the thousand and corn and hay galore;
We could feed the half of Europe and still have plenty more.
Just come and see our wheat crop, our No. 1 hard red;
Of all the favored western states its place is at the head -
Our famous cattle ranches, too, the highest praise command,
And nowhere on this continent is better grazing land.
To our education system we can point with honest pride;
Graded schools and college buildings meet the eye on every side;
Churches raise as if by magic, and cultured homes appear,
Where once the humble shanty housed the sturdy pioneer.
Dakota Bell