The Citizens of New Buffalo have been greatly excited over recent reports of the discovery of gold. The 'propector' Mr. Christian Westergaard discovered traces of gold on the northeast quarter of section 14 Hill township. Traces of gold were found in the gravel along the coulee. The site was prospected several times, but the "mother lode" was never discovered. Maybe the true 'gold' of the prairie lies in what grows above it, rather than what may be found beneath its soil?
Mr. P.R. Martin, assisted by Joe Kapaun, filled a wagon box with snow during the winter, covered it thoroughly in the strawpile, and then proceeded to forget about it - in as much as it benefitted their plans. They hauled it up town for the Fourth of July celebration and pelted everybody with snowballs. The incident provoked much merriment.
Nelson Nudell recently became violently ill. As it was impossible to move him, the family in desperation sent to Fargo, ND for a doctor. Dr. Edward M. Darrow, an able repesentative of a noble profession, consented to come and brought along a young doctor, Sidney B. Clark. Dr. Darrow, assisted by Dr. Clark, performed an emergency appendectomy by kerosene lamplight, with their patient, Mr. Nudell, reclining on the kitchen table! They saved his life. Mr. Nudell made a rapid recovery.
Pioneer physicians endured untold hardships to administer relief to human suffering. By a strange quirk of fate, Dr. Clark later located in Buffalo, and the first baby he delivered was Charles, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Nels Nudell.
Watch for the upcoming pages of Mystery and Intrigue... including the lights of Absaraka, and the Buffalo Cemetery skull and cross-bones...
If you know of a story that should be included please...