- Let
acts of violence end...
- (the
only weapon we will accept are caresses)
- Let
the politicians stop lying and stealing...
- (the
only government that we accept is
- of
those who are moved by love)
- Let
them dismantle the companies called Religions...
- (Our
spirituality is the cosmos and the flower)
- Let
the hypocrites, the moralists, and the extortionists of
good and evil pass into a program of human
- (We
want colors, spring, the stars

- We
are wanderers of life enlightened by tenderness, we do
not wish to exist in an obscuring, alienated and
Machiavellian world;

- We
ask you to remove your hearts from the caves, we need all
skin colors in order to unify the breath of our species,
we wish our pores to sweat multi-color petals, let us
plant rainbows where contamination has brought death,
everything is possible if we avail ourselves of the
strength of a full moon.