...you have been asking yourself? Well the answer to this is quite simple indeed. Let’s start with a brief synopsis as to where the idea for these pages originated. Many, many moons ago…just kidding folks… actually it was back in March when the idea first came up…believe it or not it really started out as a joke! We must warn you that all Virtual Madmen believe humor to be an integral part of our lives. David first brought this up by telling us that he was rounding up all of the virtual madmen that existed on the Internet. Naturally, we all thought that this was quite funny back then and totally agreed with him. Later on we started to discuss this more seriously and bounced the idea around for a while of creating a web site for people like us…people that are really “insane”. We decided that maybe it was not such a bad idea and as you can see…here we are!

Why did we decide to keep the name “Virtual Madmen”? Well “virtual” refers to the cyberspace media we are using to express and communicate our ideas to humanity. It is our infinite playground, where we are completely free to tell it like it is…or how it should be anyway! Why “madmen”, well that one is a little bit tougher. Are we really mad or insane in the literal sense of the word? Perhaps…some people will have us believe so. They will say that we are truly mad or completely insane simply because of what we hope to accomplish here. They will have us believe that what we are asking for is the impossible…that we are just “simply dreaming”…to tell you the truth, we really like that very much! How can we ever let a challenge like that go by unanswered… So beware all of you hypocrites and self-righteous puritans…we have come to give testimony to our dreams of the impossible!!!

Having gotten that out of the way, we wish to welcome you brother and fellow traveler of infinite space!!! Our space station in the virtual world is now almost fully operational. We are very pleased that you have found our little watering hole in the middle of the universe and hope it is to your liking. Your journey, cybernaut, has undoubtedly been a long and arduous one, so come inside and rest for a while whenever you please and for as long as you like. Our small rest area is open 24 hours a day to service your needs, and is completely devoid of walls and boundaries. Here you will find peace, love, compassion, and the friendship of other cybernauts who await you with open hearts and open arms. Our nourishment will be the substance of those dreams that continuously take us to the edge of madness…to the corners of the universe…to those places in space where only tolerance, respect for others, tenderness, springtime, the star’s caresses, and the splendor of the moon exist…here you will find all of these things and much more that will always be under infinite construction.

Our mission is quite clear…our destination has already been programmed into our navigation controls…we will only need to pick up some other travelers lost in that intergalactic space of narrow-mindedness, and we will get under way at the speed of light…so fasten your seat belts!!! Our destination lies in the center of that black hole in the universe that consumes all in its path, where hate, hypocrisy, intolerance, prejudice and all that is dark in our existence is born, lives and reproduces. There is no need to fear or display uncertainty, our weapons are lethal against these enemies, our journey will be long and torturous at times, but our triumph is also just as inevitable…

We will let you rest for now weary traveler…may your dreams overflow with the splendors of a multi-colored rainbow. When you wake up we will be here waiting to share in the adventures and tribulations of your travels through the universe…