Here are comments from other visitors. Be sure to leave a message in my Guestbook and enjoy your visit at my web site. Come back again - I'll be adding more later. |
Margie Brown - 10/16/99 01:46:13 My Country: Va, USA | Comments: Danny, I love your page, I especially enjoyed your comments on Haynes Morgan for he married a sister of my ancestress, Ann Thompson wife of Nathaniel Terry Jr. RWS from Halifax. I would love to snail mail you a copy of info I have to the true burial place in Halifax of Nathaniel Terry the Burgess. I can't seem to interest anyone in Halifax, since in 1939 they put up stones in the Thompson cemetery. Are you interested? Also I know that Haynes Morgan's wife was younger than sister Susannah born 1752 and older than sister Ann born 1767. Margie |
yasmin taskiran - 05/31/99 23:55:42 My | Comments: hi, i am from istanbul,turkey my husband and i really liked the nice stuff you wrote about Turkey, it is nice that you have good memories, now we live in florida,we have got 3 kids,they are U.S citizens,first generation I enjoy living in america also,I have been here 25 years already sincerely |
yasmin taskiran - 05/31/99 23:55:30 My | Comments: hi, i am from istanbul,turkey my husband and i really liked the nice stuff you wrote about Turkey, it is nice that you have good memories, now we live in florida,we have got 3 kids,they are U.S citizens,first generation I enjoy living in america also,I have been here 25 years already sincerely |
yasmin taskiran - 05/31/99 23:55:17 My | Comments: hi, i am from istanbul,turkey my husband and i really liked the nice stuff you wrote about Turkey, it is nice that you have good memories, now we live in florida,we have got 3 kids,they are U.S citizens,first generation I enjoy living in america also,I have been here 25 years already sincerely |
Deborah - 02/09/99 15:17:10 My Country: US | Comments: Fantastic web site! Informative, comfortable and fun- love the kitty! Deb |
Scott Maurice - 11/24/98 05:00:53 My URL: My Country: USA | Comments: Nice site. Found you via webring. Visit the American-Turkish Association of Southern California site at |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Robert - 10/09/98 03:27:57 My URL: My Country: Tonga | Comments: Hey Robert! I'm trying to find Roberts who are intersted in joining the Robert Web Ring (for people named Robert). If you're interested, or know any Roberts who are, visit The Robert Web Ring sign-up page. -- Robert |
Norma Marr Garrett - 10/06/98 13:02:36 My Country: usa | Comments: My ancestors were from Pittsylvania Co. & Henry Co. Dating back to early 1700's. Gideon Marr b-abt 1720, his son John Miller Marr b-1750. Gideon moved to Pittsylvania around 1767 and bought land there. John Miller m-Susannah Perkins sister of Peter Pe kins. Plan to visit the area soon. |
kathy nichols - 08/29/98 14:11:59 My Country: usa | Comments: I was searching the net looking for a place in Arkansas called Ricketts Mountian. My Mother was a Ricketts and she is having a family reunion there Sept.6, My sister and I were going to surprise her by showing up there. So far I haven't been able to locat it. I don't want to ask her. Where it is because that would give away the surprise. If you know anything about a place called Ricketts Mountian I would appreciate an E-mail. I enjoyed scanning through your site will look closer when I have more time. |
Bob Powell - 07/30/98 06:23:39 My | Comments: I found this to be highly intresting. One of my aunts,now deceased,married into this family.Also, my still living uncle was taught by a Shelton in Gretna in the 1920's.They were a very respected family in Pittsylvania county. They are cousins of mine. Bob Powell |
Lakira - 07/10/98 23:24:33 My Country: USA | Comments: good site!! I love it!! |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Honeyhill - 06/19/98 00:08:01 My URL:/heartland/park/3378 My Country: USA | Comments: I am just beginning to research my Ricketts' line. I found your page and will check it out again when I know a little more about my line. Good luck. |
Volkan Ulker - 04/12/98 13:12:27 My URL: My Country: Turkey | Comments: I like your webpages. Best wishes... |
Clovis Miller - 03/15/98 02:24:09 My URL: My Country: USA | Comments: Good Looking HomePage, Danny! I am a descendant of John Frederick Miller (Fort Mayo, mentioned in your Short History of Pittsylvania County was built around his property). You can read about it on my Homepage if you want to. It's under Part 1 of the John rederick Miller History Page. |
PAUL A. DU LUDE - 02/08/98 12:20:48 My Email:WLKUM@AOL.COM Country: USA | Comments: Hi Danny, Just thought I'd take a look this Sunday morning. Thanks for the info re. your websites. I am also into genealogy, and have been at it off and on since 1966, with satisfying results. Will discuss it in a future e-mail letter. Regards. |
Hakan Kavas - 01/14/98 08:28:33 My URL: My Country: Turkey | Comments: Thanks for visiting my page and leaving note.Your pages are also great.Genealogy is a good,but unfortunately as a country we have no so many chance to go back for our roots in documents.Because we are unable to read old Turkish documents. |
whisper - 01/10/98 05:47:06 My URL:/SunsetStrip/Alley/9100/ My | Comments: Hi Nice site you have here.. keep up the great work. ![]() ![]() |
Mustafa Isilak - 01/05/98 17:33:57 My URL: My Country: Turkey | Comments: We are waiting for you to join the webring. In order to do so, you should add the code I have sent by mail, to your page. Yours sincerely, |
Mustafa Isilak - 01/02/98 02:21:43 My URL: My Country: Turkey | Comments: Nice site. would you like your Istanbul page to be in istanbul webring? If yes, please visit my site and click on join in webring banner and fill the form. thanks anyway... |
Bernard Baker - 01/01/98 15:19:49 My URL:http://www/ My Country: USA | Comments: Happy New Year from Bernard and Rosser! |
Gerald Moyer - 11/18/97 02:49:52 My Country: USA | Comments: Great, It's good to see you on the web. Now tell me how to get on. Love you Guys. Gerald |
David Luther - 11/04/97 04:59:01 My | Comments: Danny, Nancye did a great job with your web page. I hope to put one together soon. Enjoy India. |
Bobby Ricketts - 10/23/97 11:03:30 My | Comments: Hi Mom and Dad, Still looks good!! |
Frank Carroll - 10/12/97 13:18:50 My Country: USA | Comments: Danny & Nancye, I'm impressed! Not only was your site designed well, it also was informative. I've mentioned your site to an English professor from Texas & others. I've read all your links. Stay in touch. I value your friendship. May the Lord bless you. |
Tom McAdam - 09/08/97 21:23:46 My URL:http://Gehrig 97 | Comments: I work with Bobby. He sent me your homepage. |
Joy E. Barbour - 08/20/97 13:42:46 GMT |
Comments: Great site! Nancye missed her calling . . . she should have gone into computers. |
??????? - 07/31/97 21:12:34 GMT |
Comments: What a great site!! |
- 07/24/97 11:04:36 GMT |
Comments: |
Austin Jones, Jr. - 07/24/97 11:07:13 GMT My Country: People's Republic of America |
Comments: Nice Site! |
Deborah Canning - 07/22/97 13:23:43 GMT My Country: South Africa |
Comments: I'm the mom of Alex, Ryan's e-pal; Alex and I have enjoyed visiting your site, and now that we know a little more about Southern Viriginia, we hope that Alex and his family might be able to visit that area next year. As we are mainly a Midwestern family, Virginia is a new and interesting place for us. |
James Ricketts - 07/22/97 00:46:47 GMT My Country: USA |
Comments: Hello, Danny and Nancye, Since I lack the expertise to do a job as well as the one you done Nancye how about doing one for me? I also have an address at Geo Sites but have been unable to apply a web page there. I guess I am just too dumb or too old or wha ! Anyway you have done a great job and hope to you again some day. James |
RYAN HILL - 07/21/97 19:53:13 GMT My URL: |
Comments: Grandpa, I like the little cat walking back and forth on your web page. See you later, Ryan |
Tommy Deal - 07/21/97 16:47:12 GMT My URL: My Country: USA |
Comments: Looks great! Enjoyed the visit |
melvin Vernon - 07/19/97 16:28:14 GMT My Country: usa |
Comments: |
Ray Anderson - 07/16/97 23:49:47 GMT My Country: USA | Comments: Great looking website nancye. Keep in touch |
Sandy Gibson - 07/11/97 00:10:22 GMT My Country: U.S.A. | Comments: Hi Danny! You have a nice homepage and I like the family history part It's great! |
Guesswho - 07/10/97 01:49:24 GMT | Comments: great site!! |
Vicki Arnold - 07/08/97 23:39:03 GMT My | Comments: Hey Danny Great site. Hope to see you this summer. Hi Nancy, how the route? Vicki :) |
Bobby - 07/07/97 11:31:19 GMT | Comments: Great page dad, mom did a real nice job. Maybe I can get her to help me with one sometime. I will check out all of your links when I am not half asleep. Bye |